my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 264 Someone is really boring and black-bellied

Chapter 264 Someone is really boring and black-bellied ([-])
The original wish was very depressed, "I wanted to weave it for you after I practiced it, but the temperature has cooled in the past two days, and you said that your hands were cold last night... I'd better buy you a set first. You wear this first today, so as not to wait After a while, I encountered a broken outer wall."

A Tong Yangfu who unintentionally tricked himself again: "..."

But as a big belly, he immediately thought of a remedy.

Grabbing the scarf and gloves specially woven for himself, Guan Xingrui asked her, "The ones they wove are the same as the ones sold there?"

"A shopping mall."



A certain Tong Yangfu said calmly, "It's a big shopping mall."

@[email protected]Of course Yuanyuan had heard the word before, so her expression became serious. "Is there a difference?"

Big shopping malls and shopping malls... Does this involve the usage of Chinese that she doesn't understand?
"Of course there is a difference," said a swindler Tong Yangfu solemnly, "Just like the big brother and the second brother, there is a big shopping mall, and there is a second shopping mall. The kind you weave is sold in the second shopping mall."

"..." Yuan Yuan looked at him tangled, "I think you are scolding me."

Uncle Tong Yangfu took a look at her, "It's class, be serious."

Original wish: "..."

This old man’s idea of ​​cheating people is very clear. The scarves that I wish to weave are also sold in shopping malls, but I haven’t seen them because I haven’t been to such a second shopping mall... So now she doesn’t have to give up, and she can continue to weave with confidence. That's it.

After fooling around with his fiancée, Guan Xingrui solemnly tied the scarf of love, and then put on the gloves of love... If he couldn't put it on, he wished to sew a finger to death. →_→
But a certain uncle put the glove into his pocket without changing his face.

Anyway, if I show it off this morning, I won't be willing to wear it in the future, and it doesn't matter whether I can wear it or not. ←_←
Weird judging criteria are always different from ordinary people...

I have to say that being handsome is an advantage, even if there is an inexplicable ball of wool wrapped around the neck... it looks very stylish.

...It can even be said that there is a maverick handsomeness, which looks better than wearing an ordinary scarf...
Now even the bodyguards almost believe that there is really a second shopping mall in this world...

In other words, their boss is a perfect match with people and things with the label of "two"... (┬_┬)
The bodyguards who watched secretly wiped their tears.

This morning, a certain Mensao was really contented. He kissed his fiancée very warmly in his heart, and took a deep look at him. He could only wear the gloves he bought. The treatment was much worse than him (←_←) Hmph... went out in a rippling manner.

Needless to say, he was in a very good mood along the way.

And when he was about to arrive at the company, Chu Ran who called him was obviously in a good mood.

However, Chu Dameinan spoke a lot faster today, as if there is something urgent to deal with, "Xiaoguanguan, I will make a long story short, because I will go out soon, my wife bought me a scarf, I have to go out and ask the laundromat , how to maintain the scarf."

That's right, this is a show-off call from a beautiful man named Chu...

Regarding this clumsy way of showing off... a certain Tong foster husband said calmly, "Wait a minute, I'll take off the scarf and gloves that Xinxin knitted for me first, otherwise it won't be easy to answer the phone."

"...You scum! I want to break up with you!!!"

Chu Dameinan hung up the phone angrily...

When two big men compete childishly...

(End of this chapter)

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