my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 265 Someone is really boring and black-bellied

Chapter 265 Someone is really boring and black-bellied ([-])
On the other side, Yuan Yuan entered the set as usual, bringing twenty bodyguards and Uncle Hem, who was bigger than their group.

Lei Yu didn't have a chance to talk to her alone yesterday, so today he specially entered the group early. When he saw her coming, he greeted her, took her aside, and mysteriously handed her a pair of couple mobile phone chains.

"This..." Lei Yu coughed lightly, "I had an accident before, and some friends heard about it, and they bought me a few mobile phone chains like this for fear that I would be tricked again."

The mobile phone chain looks like a chubby pig, but in fact... "Press their noses, and you can spray pepper water..."

This was originally designed for girls to defend against wolves... So Lei Yu was very embarrassed to say it.

Lei Yu didn't know the real situation of the kidnapping abroad, and he didn't expect Guan Xingrui's sphere of influence to spread abroad, so he was very worried about them when he heard that they had fallen into the hands of the largest gang in New York.

"In the face of real gangsters, this little thing is actually not very powerful... But with Mr. Guan's skill, as long as he can slow down a bit, he should be able to take you away."

Lei Yu had been thinking about this matter for several days, but now that he said it, he felt that he was a little too involved, so he couldn't help asking awkwardly, "You don't think I'm too busy, do you?"

"Of course not, thank you!" Yuan Yuan thanked him sincerely.

Lei Yu felt relieved, and said with a broken smile, "Thank you, there is no need, you should remember who I am first... Except for the eldest son in the play, my name is Lei Yu..."

The two of them had a relaxed conversation here, but not far away, Lei Yu's manager was scratching the wall in confusion.

This silly boy, he even prepared Guan Xingrui's share as a gift... What age is this, and there are such fools who "know that you are fine, so I can rest assured".

(┬_┬) And this silly boy is still an artist under him... What should I do in the future!

Manager Lei Yu scratched the wall frantically...

Of course, no matter how crazy he is, he won't vomit blood like Lu Xinwei is now.

Lu Xinwei used to boss everyone around, and offended countless people. Almost no one in the crew took the initiative to talk to her.

In the past, with the halo of Miss Lu's family, she still felt pretentious that these people were not worthy to talk to her.

But now... Seeing Yuan Yuan joined the group, many people greeted her, and many people stopped to take pictures of today's new look... Lei Yu also took the initiative to go over to say hello to her.

Every second that the original wish appeared, Lu Xinwei became more jealous, and she spent the whole morning in this resentment.

At noon, she finally found a chance to fight back, and felt that she could finally destroy the good popularity she had wished for.

Unfortunately today, when Dai Yong's subordinates delivered the food, they saw a pregnant woman who fell down on the side of the road, as if she was going to give birth early.

Today is Monday, and those who want to travel have finished their weekend trips. At that time, there were no other cars on the road. Dai Yong's subordinates didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly sent the pregnant woman to the hospital.

Fortunately, because it was delivered in time, the mother and child are safe.

Human life is a matter of fate, of course I wish I would not consider myself missing a meal because of this, the box lunches of the crew are all pre-set according to the head, and now there is no room for so many of them, go out to eat... probably before the lunch break Can't make it back.

So Yuanyuan discussed with the bodyguards what to eat... taste instant noodles.

At this moment, Lu Xinwei came over with a lunch box, with a weird smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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