my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 268 A sensational confession in the whole city

Chapter 268 A sensational confession in the city ([-])
Imagining the look of the majestic and ruthless Uncle Hum rolling his eyes wildly, everyone looked up at the sky together.

When these human beings struggled, little girl Xiaomi... shy.

...Hmph, look at me!

Xiaomi chewed on the towel and petrified for a while, then suddenly seemed to have exploded, startled suddenly, then turned around and slipped away.

(>﹏<) I feel embarrassed to be seen...

Lei Yu and the bodyguards looked at its back as it ran away, and stroked its forehead silently... Little girl, the towel fell off!You run around naked... Heh heh, I don't look at you again. ╯﹏╰

Xiaomi has a lively personality and loves to act like a baby. After it appeared, I wish my daily life would be more lively.

The bodyguards still didn't guess the deep meaning of the name, Yuanyuan didn't think of anything, now she goes back to the hotel every day after work to play with the dog happily, and told her Tong husband for two consecutive days that such a spoiled pet is so cute .

A certain Tong Yangfu who was compared was uncharacteristically this time, and he was very calm about this, and did not take any measures to compete for favor.

The day passed peacefully like this for two days.

Then... the original wish once again became the focus of attention in an absolutely unexpected way.

This day is Thursday, a normal working day, and on the bus and subway commuter cars, you will basically see someone holding the newspaper of the day to pass the time on the road.

City A Daily is the newspaper with the largest circulation in the local area, and today, the entire front page of this newspaper has only five characters——

I wish I loved you.

Someone paid a lot of money to buy the position on the front page to express their love for the original wish. o_O
The uncles and aunts who are out of the situation are lamenting that the young people nowadays are too crazy, and those who usually pay attention to entertainment news and know who the original wish is, only have this expression of o_O.

The bodyguards reacted the same way.

This must not be done by the boss!
One is that the boss can't show up now, he won't be so high-profile, and the other is...

The Boss's swaying Mensao... If he confessed, it would definitely not be so straightforward, but it would be much more grotesque than this. →_→
Who is this person?
Netizens are also speculating in shock, because everyone knows that Yuanyuan has a childhood sweetheart fiancé, not to mention, just last weekend, the day she just came back from the United States, she met the entertainer who pretended to be a fan of Fu Ran on the set. I remember arguing a few words.

Those few words clearly showed how good her relationship with her fiancé was.

So this confession that caused a sensation in the whole city... is to blatantly poach someone!

Yuan Yuan usually doesn't like to show her face, so she can't guess her friendship status. Netizens can't guess anything, but they gradually quarrel.

Some people say that this mysterious person is very romantic and touching, while others say that this is obviously a male mistress, mistresses are not divided into men and women, and those who destroy people's feelings are not good people.

Some netizens also said very bitterly, looking for a girlfriend should not look for such a beautiful one, it's too flamboyant and I can't stand it.

Of course, such remarks are drowned in the tide of quarrels...

Only those who have met Guan Xingrui himself did not ignore these few sentences, but none of them agreed, they all thought os in their hearts. How crazy people are...

But it's no use chasing those wonderful couples.

For the next ten days, the front-page confession continued. According to people from the newspaper, the mysterious person bought the ten-day front page. The reason explained at the time was that he was sincere in his original wish. So buy enough for ten days.

(End of this chapter)

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