my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 269 A sensational confession in the whole city

Chapter 269 A sensational confession in the city ([-])
Undoubtedly, when such words spread, there was another quarrel on the Internet whether it was a male mistress or a romance...

"I Wish I Love You" lasted for ten days. On the tenth day, the layout finally changed slightly.

Under this line of confession text, there is another line of fonts that are two sizes smaller, saying that he will show up at [-]:[-] p.m. six days later, waiting in front of a big screen next to a five-star hotel in City A, the holy place for confession. Wish, he hoped that Yuanyuan could attend the appointment.But even if the original wish does not appear, he will not give up.

That's right, what the mysterious person said was that he was going to show up and directly confess his identity.

As for why it was six days later?
Netizens who care about entertainment news can answer this question, because six days later, the crew of Ye Dao's new play finished filming at Lanshan Mountain, and after a day's rest, they will go to Tianhai Film and Television City to shoot an indoor scene for more than a month.

As soon as the news came out, netizens were in an uproar again.

Netizens from other places could only scratch their heads, and the local gossip people in city A excitedly started forming gangs, planning to form a group to watch the crowd that day.

There was a commotion outside, Yuan Yuan... Yuan Yuan didn't even know about it. →_→
She doesn't like newspapers... and gossip.

With that time, it's better to play with her Tong Yangfu... Besides, the very interesting Xiaomi came to the family recently.

Although after witnessing the little Xiaomi girl running naked... no matter what Xiaomi wears, Heng Heng refuses to look at it again. (>﹏<)
But Yuanyuan is still actively matching the two dogs...

Besides, it’s useless even if she doesn’t match up, Xiaomi spends more than half of the time circling around humming every day, even if she wants to take her out for a walk, every time her first reaction is to happily grab her own He pulled the rope to look for Hengheng, and looked at Hengheng helplessly for a long time... It seemed that he really wanted Hengheng to lead him out for a walk.

But Uncle Heheng ignored her.

(>﹏<) Too cruel!Everyone is so entangled every day watching the little girl Xiaomi confessing her failures again and again...

Yuan Yuan had a great time playing every day, and a certain Tong foster husband had been playing with her all the time, and didn't care about the confession on the front page at all.

He has such a good heart, it's normal for someone to like him~
There's no need to be jealous about this kind of thing, so he didn't ask his subordinates to investigate. Anyway, this man has already said that he will show up, and then he will know who he is.

But this wonderful couple is actually looking forward to six days later.

Because the film crew had a small celebration party six days later, Director Ye generously invited Chef Tan Jiacai, a well-known private kitchen in City A, to be the chef for this celebration party.

There are many rules in the Tan family cuisine, and only two tables of guests are entertained every day, and the guests do not have the right to order, what to eat depends on the mood of the chef that day.

The Tan family dishes have never contracted banquets, but the descendants of this generation of Tan family dishes are Ye Dao's fans, and because of a special reason, they will give Ye Dao face like this.

As soon as the news came out, the crew was elated, the Tan family food that even the rich may not be able to eat! (ˉ﹃ˉ) You can feast your mouth!
The reason for my original wish is the same as everyone’s expectation, because my mouth is greedy...

And a certain Tong foster husband is looking forward to it because... Tan Xin, the descendant of Tan Jiacai's generation, is Sui Yi's "male" fiancée...

He could finally see this legendary figure who had been disguised as a man since she was a child and had forgotten to tell her friends that she was actually a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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