my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 277 I have 22, 22 has me

Chapter 277 I have Er Er, Er Er has me ([-])
It took a long time before someone reported to him, "Boss, the Fifth Young Master has found out, and is rushing to the hotel now."

The fifth young master of the Yan family... is the only doctor who knows that the eldest is injured.

Just now the boss was holding a glass of wine, and kept shaking the glass of wine indifferently. In fact, it was not shaking at all, but the boss's hands were shaking, and he was just holding the wine glass as a cover.

He didn't speak because he couldn't keep his voice as stable and calm as usual. When the sister-in-law asked him if he was going home, it took him a long time before he nodded, because he was trying to maintain his natural movements.
The eldest brother’s injury was actually on his right hand, but the eldest was only 12 years old when he was injured, and the injury was too serious. He hadn’t received proper treatment at that time, and every time the old injury relapsed, it would be such a pain that would affect the whole body.

Guan Xingrui's mood was not as heavy as that of the bodyguards just after going through a severe torture.

I took the elevator directly to the underground parking lot. After going out, I found my car and opened the door. No one got in, so I grabbed the original wish into my arms first, "Go home?"

"Yeah." Yuan Yuan nodded, and asked him worriedly, "Two Er, is something wrong?"
Yuan Yuan has always been sensitive to the emotions of her foster husband, but in fact, she found something wrong in the banquet hall upstairs, but she always believed in him, and she didn't ask too much about things he didn't say.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I still felt worried, so I asked.

Guan Xingrui hugged her, and raised the corners of his lips slightly where Yuan Yuan could not see, "As long as the heart is still there, nothing will happen if you encounter anything."
"Well," Yuan Yuan also hugged him and patted him as if to comfort a child, "No matter what time it is, I have Er Er, and Er Er also has me."

A child foster husband didn't speak, but...

"Two two, are you laughing?"

Having said that, Yuan Yuan is very sensitive to the emotions of her foster husband.

A sullen person didn't answer.

But Yuan Yuan firmly believed that his guess was right, and immediately wanted to let him go, "I want to see you smile!"

He refused mercilessly, "I won't show it."


"I'm so handsome when I smile, you'll be mesmerized."

Yuan Yuan frowned, "I was already fascinated by you, I like you very much."

A certain Mensao was shaking his head in his heart, but he shook his head seriously, "You're talking about obsessed fans, but I'm talking about comatose fans."

Original wish: "..."@[email protected]Isn't it a word...

When it comes to Chinese, the original wish has no confidence at all...

I recalled it in my heart for a long time, but I was still not sure, and I couldn't refute this sentence.
But I still want to see my Tong Yangfu smile, so I said very adventurously, "If you are in a coma, you will be in a coma, anyway, I want to see you smile!"

A certain Tong foster husband took the initiative to let her go this time, and glanced at her, "You are unconscious, who will kiss me?"

Well...that's a problem.

Yuan Yuan thought for a while, then kissed him, "Okay, then I won't be in a coma, and besides, I still have to support you. If you pass out, you will delay making money."

A certain Tong foster husband was very satisfied with her awareness, and instructed, "We'll talk about making money tomorrow, and kiss me now."

Bodyguards: "..." Boss, we are all listening. (┬_┬)
A certain uncle seemed to have thought about this issue, so he restrained himself and kissed again, then changed his position to fulfill his original wish, and covered her with a suit jacket, "Go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow."


"...I have something to go out tonight, and I won't be able to get home until very late, but I will definitely take you to the plane tomorrow morning."

(End of this chapter)

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