my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 278 Everything is fine with you

Chapter 278 It's Good With You ([-])
"Well, then be careful on the road, you were drunk just now, so you can't drive anymore." Yuan Yuan didn't ask him why he was there so late, but told him carefully.

"Okay." Guan Xingrui readily agreed, patted her on the head, and told her to sleep quickly.

There were still two or three thousand meters away from their car, and Yan Shaobai, the fifth member of the Yan family, was waiting alone by the side of the road with his medical kit on his back.

Knowing that Guan Xingrui didn't want more people to know about his injury, when he received a call from the bodyguard and knew that they were about to run into each other, Xiao Wu got out of his second brother's car and let the car leave first.

He knew the "patient" Guan Xingrui because of his elder brother.

Six years ago, he went to the United States to attend a medical seminar and slept until midnight, but his elder brother suddenly appeared in his room and woke him up, holding a man who was covered in blood and couldn't stand with one hand.

Of course that person is Guan Xingrui.
He was still young at the time, and it was the first time he saw someone so badly injured, he thought that someone would die in front of him soon.

But it was later discovered that the blood belonged to someone else, and Guan Xingrui only had a slight scratch on one arm, and it was caused by accidentally falling to the ground.

The real problem was his right hand...

The injury was so serious back then, and it was an old injury left when the bones were not fully developed. It may be curable...but it is really only possible.

The chances of failure were high, and whether successful or not, his hand would undergo a lengthy rehabilitation period.

When he explained this to Guan Xingrui, Guan Xingrui seemed to suddenly lose interest in what he said, and told him directly that he would not have surgery.

So he always had a feeling in his heart that he was afraid that people would know that his hand had been hurt.

Xiao Wu's heart was full of memories of that year, and just as he was thinking about it, he saw a group of black SUVs coming from a distance with great momentum.

This street is very remote, empty at night with no cars or pedestrians passing by. When the black car was about to stop, it changed its formation slightly and protected the car in the middle very tightly, as if it was preparing for a firefight at any time. occur.

The last time Xiao Wu saw Guan Xingrui was two years ago, seeing him getting out of the car with a stern expression today, he couldn't help but let out a soft breath.

Born in Yan's family, with eight extremely handsome cousins, Xiao Wu is used to seeing beautiful men, and doesn't pay much attention to Guan Xingrui's appearance itself, but he is still intimidated by his... strange temperament every time.

It should be said that it is strange.

Judging from his usual style, Guan Xingrui is obviously from the underworld. He was okay when he stood there with a blank face, but when he moved, he was full of unstoppable ruthlessness. He was ruthless, but not the one in the usual description A kind of murderous or evil spirit that makes people creepy.

He is also well-informed, but this is the first time he has seen such a fierce aura that people will be afraid of him at a glance, but they don't think he is scary.

Very contradictory feeling.

To give you a specific example, there is a gangster with a gun who kills more than a dozen people you don't know in a row in front of you, but then tells you solemnly that he never kills innocent people indiscriminately, and you will believe it immediately up...

The contradiction is almost unbelievable.

Probably because he thought he was Yan Shaoxun's cousin. It can be believed that Guan Xingrui didn't shy away from him. He got out of the car very slowly, carefully put the person in his arms on the back seat and lay down on the back seat, and helped her cover the coat Yan, then softly closed the car door.

(End of this chapter)

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