my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 281 Everything is fine with you

Chapter 281 Everything is fine with you ([-])
The others were just discussing and discussing. The people in Director Ye's drama team read the news and thought too much.

Guan Xingrui's performance tonight was too disappointing!To be shaken by Lu Xinwei's threat!

It just so happened that I wished to have such an active suitor again... I might as well break up with Guan Xingrui and accept this person's pursuit.

Many people started gearing up and decided to wait until the next filming location, and they must find an opportunity to persuade Yuan Yuan more.

That wonderful couple didn't know that many people wanted to persuade them to break up... and continued their boring life.

The next morning, Guan Xingrui didn't wake up Yuanyuan in advance. As usual, when the time came, he dug his precious fiancee out of the bed, took her to the bathroom to wash, and then brought her back to help her change her clothes. Wrapped in a coat, carried her out, and sat in the car together so that she could sleep in the airport.

It is more meticulous than taking care of kindergarten children...

Originally wished not to believe in anything, but to believe in her Tong Yangfu.

She vaguely knew that she was being held and moved back and forth, but her foster husband didn't call her, so she knew that she was definitely not late, so after getting into the car, she fell back into a deep sleep.

Sleeping sweetly all the way to the airport, I wished to be woken up by my child husband's kiss, and then I was depressed, "I still want to cut your hair for you."

A certain Tong foster husband calmly took the thermos bucket handed over by the bodyguard, and took out the original wished breakfast, "No need to cut it."


"Because I'm handsome, I look good with any hairstyle."

For such a big face... Yuanyuan frowned slightly, looked at him for a while, and suddenly raised the sound insulation board between the front seat and the back seat.

The bodyguard driving the car was almost in tears, and clenched his fists in grief and anger.

Sister-in-law, what are you going to say!
Even your nerves are so thick that you can realize that these words cannot be heard by others, what a shameless words...

He really only wanted to say four words about this kind of speech that hindered harmony too much——

Let me hear it!

In fact, what I wanted to quite harmonious.

At least on the face of it...

After finishing upgrading the sound insulation board, she looked at her foster husband's hair thoughtfully, "You can change the shape?"

A Tong Yangfu who immediately remembered the source of this sentence: "..."

Sure enough, Yuan Yuan asked him tangled, "Isn't that what you said?"

"..." Helping Yuanyuan serve a bowl of shredded chicken porridge very calmly, a certain Tong's foster husband said calmly, "My description at the time was not accurate enough."

Yuan Yuan felt even more surprised, and seriously discussed with him while drinking porridge, "Why is it not accurate?" Er Er never made a mistake.

"Because I didn't know it deeply enough at the time." Someone answered deeply.

"But it grows on you, you should be familiar with it."

The topic ran wildly in a completely unscrupulous direction...

A certain Tong foster husband continued to be calm, "How old was I when I said this?"

"Ah, I was sixteen back then."

"Well," Guan Xingrui nodded calmly, and concluded with an authoritative tone, "Back then... plus six years have passed, and I have a new understanding of it."

Yuan Yuan finished the porridge in two or three mouthfuls, frowned slightly, "It's so profound."

"There is learning everywhere in life." A certain Tong foster husband mercilessly deceived others...

Yuan Yuan also nodded in agreement, "Indeed."

(End of this chapter)

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