my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 282 The things related to it are different

Chapter 282 The related matter is different ([-])
Guan Xingrui couldn't enter the airport with his own face, so after a while, Qi Xiuyuan, who came to see him off, saw Yuan Yuan appearing alone with his bodyguards.

Subconsciously looking behind Yuanyuan carefully, Qi Xiuyuan frowned, "Will Guan Xingrui accompany you?"

"He has a job."

"Right?" Qi Xiuyuan was very concerned about this ending particle that expressed uncertainty.

"Yeah, he didn't say he wanted to come with me, he just had something to do."

"...So you didn't ask him why he didn't come with you?"

"Why even ask this?"

The original wish is very entangled, why do people always ask her why she doesn't ask this or that?
Yuan Yuan's tone of voice made Qi Xiuyuan wonder whether he should be shamed first or hit the wall first...
It's fine at other times, but last night just happened about Lu Xinwei at the celebration banquet!
Thinking of what happened last night, Qi Xiuyuan got angry in his heart, so he gave up the topic first, and talked to her about the business, "Remember VK, the company that asked you to shoot a mobile phone advertisement, they plan to launch a Valentine's Day commemorative computer next year, want to Find you and Guan Xingrui to play a piano piece together, and make the computer startup music and various system prompts."

Afraid that Yuan Yuan might misunderstand, he explained specifically, "We have already communicated, and Guan Xingrui does not need to show up. The company has a recording studio, and they only need to get the final audio."
According to people from VK, they have been planning to make this computer a few years ago, but the idea is good, but it is a bit difficult to implement.

Because what if the couple who helped them record the boot music suddenly broke up or someone cheated after all the advertisements for the launch of the computer were published...

Looking at the entire entertainment circle, they couldn't feel at ease about any couple. They didn't expect that this year, Yuanyuan, an outlier, would appear.

According to people from VK, the original wish exists for this idea, not to mention the fast-changing electronic products such as computers, even if it is a house that has been lived in for decades, they dare to use the original wish to promote it such a theme.

It's been fine for decades...

He used to think so too!
But at the banquet last night, how to explain Guan Xingrui's attitude?!
It's also thanks to Yuan Yuan's personality, otherwise anyone else would feel that his fiancé made him unable to step down in front of so many colleagues, and would have started arguing long ago.

Qi Xiuyuan was not there last night, and he only knew that there was such a big mess after hearing a tip-off, and he was planning to have a good talk with Guan Xingrui.

He has a different point of view from those of the crew. Yuanyuan and Guan Xingrui have had such a deep relationship since they were young. If something goes wrong, it can be resolved through communication. It is best not to give up lightly.

Another advantage of agreeing to VK's ad is that it can make this couple a recognized representative of a model couple. At this time, whoever wants to break them up and become a mistress will have to be scolded by netizens for half a year.
Lu Xinwei still has to hang out in the circle, with this advertisement, she must not dare to pursue Guan Xingrui too aggressively for the time being.
Such a good thing, and not troublesome, Qi Xiuyuan thought that the original wish would definitely agree.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Yuan didn't even think about it, "I won't go."


"Er Er doesn't play the piano."

"...Didn't you say that the music school he went to before, the teacher said he was a music prodigy?!"

VK doesn't need professional level, what it wants is the gimmick of sweet couple files, and the songs it plays are also simple.

(End of this chapter)

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