my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 283 The things related to it are different

Chapter 283 The related matter is different ([-])
Even if it has been abandoned for many years, with the foundation of the past, it will definitely be able to play after some practice!

Yuan Yuan shook his head and emphasized, "It's not that I can't play, it's not that I can't play."

Qi Xiuyuan looked at her weakly, "What do you mean?"

"Er Er said that he didn't play the piano, and he never touched the piano again." Yuan Yuan didn't know the reason, "Er Er doesn't seem to like the piano anymore."

So she stopped learning, and asked Brother Ding to sell the piano at home, so that Er Er would not be unhappy.

The brother Ding I wished to talk about was Sui Yi who lived next door to her at that time...

"You also said it's like'..." Qi Xiuyuan always felt that as soon as something related to her foster husband Tong, his conversation with Yuan Yuan fell into a deep sense of powerlessness.

Pinching his brows, he asked again, "How old is Guan Xingrui saying that he won't play the piano anymore?"


"...he is twelve, you are only ten years old! What will you watch when you are ten years old!"

"I will watch two or two."

"...What I said just now was not a question..." (┬_┬) I really don't need to answer him next time such a question...

If it wasn't for the fact that everyone from the film crew was nearby, and there was a Yu Ji taking pictures not far away, Qi Xiuyuan really wanted to squat down to stabilize his mood...

But the original wish became serious, "It doesn't matter whether it's a question or not, my answer is the same. I don't understand anything else, but how could I misunderstand Er Er's emotions?"

Qi Xiuyuan: "...I'm going to buy a cup of coffee... No, I'll buy a hot dog."

In the middle of speaking, Qi Xiuyuan suddenly changed his mind, and his tone was very firm.

He felt that with his current situation, he was no longer suitable for drinking coffee... Could it be that the water he drank would also pour into his head! (┬_┬)
As long as he doesn't talk to Yuanyuan, Qi Xiuyuan's intelligence can quickly return to normal...

After a while, I took a hot dog and walked back silently while chewing.

About VK's Valentine's Day computer, I can't explain it to the original wish, so he should go directly to the old man Tong Yangfu.

Qi Xiuyuan also stopped mentioning the topic just now, and continued to explain his business.

This time he originally wanted to go to other places to film, but he was very worried.
Before he broke up with Lan Xiaoxiao, he was involved in scandals, and it was considered a half-holiday, so he only brought the original artist with him.

Now he has basically returned to work in full, and has started to pick up other newcomers, and as Xia Tian's artist director, he is not an ordinary manager, so he can't leave everything in the company alone and just look at the original wish.

Besides, it was okay when he was in this city, and if he went to other places to film for a few months, if he stayed with him for a long time, someone would definitely gossip, and it would be bad for the original wish.
Qi Xiuyuan was worried, "You guys are going to Tianhai Film and Television City this time, there are many crews and stars there, there are everyone, you have to be careful."

After thinking about it, "My mobile phone is always on. If you encounter something that you can't handle, even if it is inconvenient to talk, you can call me directly. I will find someone to help you when I hear about your situation. "

Qi Xiuyuan has a wide network of contacts and many friends in the circle, so he has the confidence to say such a thing.
"Yeah." Yuan Yuan cooperated very well in official affairs, and nodded obediently.

Qi Xiuyuan was still worried, nodded his head and glanced at the schedule, "I really can't leave these five days, I will go over here to have a look as soon as I finish my work here."

Yuan Yuan continued to nod honestly.

Qi Xiuyuan gave a lot of precautions. He had already found out which crews Tianhai still had, so he made a list with the bodyguards that needed to be paid attention to, and asked them to watch Yuanyuan carefully and try not to get close to these people. .

(End of this chapter)

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