my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 300 Mensao's Cute Way

Chapter 300 Mensao's Cute Way ([-])
Lei Yu's manager was anxious, "Why is it even?! I have breasts! If you don't believe me, I'll show you right now!"

He has spent a lot of time training his chest muscles, let's face up to the results of his hard work!
"……"What's the meaning?Is he really a woman?
Lei Yu looked at the posture of the manager propping his hands on the side of his bed, and thought of how many times he had changed clothes in front of the manager when he was in a hurry to make an announcement...

Shocked for a moment, Lei Yu was frightened, he slept like a dick, quickly pulled up the quilt, and shrank back.

" careful!"

The agent was afraid that he would hit somewhere, so he rushed over to pull him back.

...the standard imposing manner of demanding the overlord to force his bow.

"...Brother! No...Sister, I, I entered the industry just to follow you. You are kind to me and I don't want to fight with you. Don't force me..."

"..." What do you mean?

Lei Yu's manager was stunned for a long time, and finally realized that his nose was almost crooked, "You're right! I'm talking about the other staff around you! Have you ever seen a woman as tall and thick as me!"

"...If you were a woman, I would have seen you..."


He finally understands why Brother Qi always likes to pinch his eyebrows after he made his original wish...

Also, he must quickly turn Lei Yu's attention away, Lei Yu is already showing signs of committing a crime!
The economic man didn't realize that he himself was two years old...

As stylish as Yuan Yuan Erde... the people around her are very easily contagious.

The manager collected himself and struggled for a long time before deciding to tell Lei Yu the truth, "Your eye circles were red just now."

"...Get up and rub your eyes."

"Don't make trouble, you obviously thought that I, a 'woman disguised as a man', saw it dozens of times without clothes, and you were going to cry because of grievances."

"...What's the matter?"

Lei Yu took out his nightgown and put it on calmly, got up and took a shower.

But no matter how calm he pretended to be, his agent had already made a decision, "Starting tomorrow morning, each of the staff around you will pounce on your bed [-] times a day."

Lei Yu almost hit the wall directly, "Why!"

"Of course it's training you to be calm!" The manager looked at him bitterly, "It's fine for the fans, as long as the bodyguards are stricter, but you are getting more and more popular, if there are female artists who want to use gossip to hype, why not At the event, I rushed over to hug and kiss you, and you cried on the spot... Can you watch it!"

"...I can't cry."

"Okay, that's what you said," the agent immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call, "Then who, find me twenty women..."

"...I practice." (┬_┬)
Now Lei Yu is really going to cry...

The agent was satisfied and comforted him, "Don't worry, the stylist, make-up artist, and body coach are not here, your assistant, bodyguard, English teacher, and me... There are four people in total, and only one of them is a woman , when you find her out, this exercise will be over."

...and then just let that one girl pounce every day.

Such a terrible next step plan, of course the agent will not say it now...

But this was enough to make Lei Yu worry, "Only pounce?... Didn't pounce?"

"Don't worry." Seeing how nervous he was, the manager finally revealed the ultimate secret, "The only girl is my younger sister, she won't mess around."

Lei Yu: "..." I suddenly felt that I was being cheated so hard...

(End of this chapter)

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