my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 301 Mensao's Cute Way

Chapter 301 Mensao's Cute Way ([-])
While Lei Yu was wiping tears bitterly, in the other room, Yuan Yuan was bouncing around in a very good mood.

Remembering to take care of Tong Yangfu, she got up early this morning to help Tong Yangfu change his clothes in a serious manner.

"Two two, how long will you live here?"

"Go back one day a week."

Yuan Yuan was pleasantly surprised, "But don't you want to go to work? If you stay here all the time, won't the boss be unhappy?"

I don't know how happy I am to see my precious fiancee almost every day, a Tong Yangfu who is actually the boss.

In fact, this is because he didn't want to go back one day a week because he didn't want to see anyone for dozens of days after leaving the company, which was too eye-catching.

Otherwise, there are trustworthy subordinates in his company who can sign for him, and other business matters can be handled remotely on the computer.

Besides, Hengyuan originally opened the company for the convenience of going back to China to accompany Xinxin, and to cover up his identity. He doesn't care too much about profits.

However, these words obviously will not appear in the daily conversations of this wonderful couple.

Tong Yangfu, a certain boss, was very calm, "Of course not, the boss actually doesn't want to see me."

Yuan Yuan was upset, "Why?" Doesn't he like Er Er?

"Because he's jealous of how handsome I am."

The bodyguards shook heavily.

Boss... Actually, we have wanted to ask for a long time. Your physical strength is much better than the people who trained with you. Is it because you have been walking with a particularly big face since you were a child, have you practiced it? (┬_┬)
The bodyguards burst into tears, but Yuan Yuan felt that what he said was right.

...Actually, a certain Tong foster husband is really good-looking and impeccable, but generally no one praises himself so much...

Yuan Yuan was just surprised, "Why do you have such a mentality? I also know that Er Er is good-looking, but I have never been jealous."

Someone was very calm, "That's because you like me."

Yuan Yuan suddenly realized, "That's right."

"..." Boss, you did it on purpose, right? You deliberately boasted that you are handsome, just to bring out the last two sentences...

You are really... too proficient in menswear!

Originally wished to live happily every day, but now because her foster husband came, she was in a better mood, and when it was time to start work, she took Hem and Xiaomi by the hand and went out happily.

The state is exactly the opposite of that of Lu Xinwei next door who is full of anger.

Behind Lu Xinwei, Han Tian and Han Tian's doctor were following in a wheelchair.

Han Tian didn't seem to have a good rest, his eyes were light blue, and there was a piece of bread and a bottle of mineral water on his lap, it seemed that he didn't even have time to eat breakfast.

The bodyguards couldn't stand it anymore, "You are still recovering from your injuries, so this is all you have for breakfast?"

In order to make the bones grow faster, isn't it time to supplement nutrition?
Han Tian froze for a moment, then smiled calmly, as if he was not used to the care of strangers, his shy appearance made him look more like a harmless little white rabbit.

Lu Xinwei sneered, "It's good to eat something. If the Lu family hadn't rewarded him with a bite of food, he would have starved to death! What else would a dog want to eat!"

Why does she always compare people with dogs?
Yuan Yuan gave her a strange look, and suddenly asked, "What did you have for breakfast?"

Lu Xinwei's voice was vicious, as if she wanted to bite off the meat of her original wish, "Milk."

Lu Xinwei wants to control her weight, so she eats very little every day.

Yuan Yuan waited for a long time and didn't hear the following, so he couldn't help but be surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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