my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 327 The Truth Is Too Shocking

Chapter 327 The Truth Is Too Shocking ([-])

Bodyguard C yawned boredly, "Last time she hit my sister-in-law in front of a few tourists, and the boss didn't say anything and didn't punish her afterwards, so she must be so bold."

"It's probably because he thought that she had been peaceful for so long, and the boss had completely trusted her, so he wouldn't be too guarded against her."

It's a pity... Lin Xinyue probably forgot that the boss is different from the benefactors who were coaxed into submission by her before.

The boss kept her because she still had some use value, and now she is letting her frame the sister-in-law because...she has a new use value.

This is just a part of the boss's plan. Fighting with the boss's level of black belly will always lead to a dead end~
Yuan Yuan has never paid attention to gossip, and the purpose of this matter is not pure, so the bodyguards did not specifically mention it to Yuan Yuan.

So Yuanyuan didn't know what was going on outside at all, and when the lunch break was over, she went back to the set to film.

The crew has been frying for a long time, fake news, right?
Netizens haven't seen the fiancé of the original wish, they have all seen it!

At the celebration banquet at Lanshan last time, Guan Xingrui's performance disappointed them to the core, but the original wish's reaction, it seemed that he was completely devoted to him and only him was in his heart!
It's only been a few days, how could she suddenly go to spy on An Jingchen!
...Besides, does Yuan Yuan know who An Jingchen is...

What's wrong with An Jingchen being handsome, which one is not handsome, Lei Yu or Fu Ran? Originally, I only remembered Lei Yu's name under Lei Yu's strong request...

But Brother Qi's crisis public relations ability is absolutely top-notch in the circle, and he responds quickly and makes accurate decisions. It's been more than ten minutes, why hasn't Brother Qi come out to clarify?

Or is it hype?

No, Brother Qi never used this kind of hype that would affect the artist's image!

Unlike the situation where rumors were flying everywhere outside, in Director Ye's crew, everyone was discussing how the revelation came about.

Although it is not malicious, it is always not good to talk about people's right and wrong behind their backs.

So seeing Yuanyuan coming back, a group of people quickly adjusted the topic, glanced down, and immediately chatted about another hot topic on Weibo——

The confession contest will finally officially enter the third round tomorrow!

In fact, the organizer of the Confession Contest... is bleeding in his heart right now.

It was an auspicious day before!As a result, less than 3 minutes after the Weibo post announcing the time of the third round, the news that "the actress surnamed Y is spying on An Jingchen" came out...

And the follow-up development of this revelation is too touching. It is estimated that for at least a week in the future, netizens will focus on this news, and no one will pay attention to their confession contest... (┬_┬)
The most important thing in organizing this competition is to build brand awareness!It's better than no one paying attention!
Now their only hope can only be placed on the wonderful contestant "I have a [-]"...

The organizer's competition planners silently looked at Yuanyuan Weibo's homepage on the computer, eager to burn incense and say goodbye.

"I have a [-]", you must live up to it!It must be a new style and a new height!Strive to grab the attention of netizens!
Our bonus depends on you... (┬_┬)
I don’t know if the planner’s prayers were too pious... In the next period of time, the original wish really grabbed all the attention... and it was too thorough...

She completely became the center of the storm.

(End of this chapter)

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