my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 328 The Truth Is Too Shocking

Chapter 328 The truth hits people too hard ([-])

Yuan Yuan has always been thinking about the confession contest, and when he heard the definite news about the third round, he happily took out his phone and swiped Weibo.

I saw with my own eyes the announcement that the third round will start tomorrow, and I wish I was in a better mood.

She seldom hangs out on Weibo, and today she is rarely interested. After reading the two local food recommendation Weibos she followed, she glanced at the hot topics on Weibo.

Then she saw "The actress surnamed Y broke into the toilet to spy on An Jingchen" which ranked first on the topic list.

She has absolutely no idea about the name An Jingchen, but she just hangs out, of course, to go to a lively place.

When I originally wished to click on this topic... the gossip has already spread incomparably bizarre.

The most popular "reveal" at the moment is that the actress surnamed Y wanted to climb into An Jingchen's bed many times, but An Jingchen's wife didn't know the news until today, she was furious, and immediately went to find her The legendary suitor asked him to send someone to deal with the actress surnamed Y.

The actress surnamed Y was beaten to disfigurement, crying for her father and mother on the set, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

The host of the topic is the Entertainment Weekly that broke the news at the beginning, and it also matched the pictures of the parties in place, including An Jingchen, An Jingchen's manager Winnie, and An Jingchen's wife's warm blurred picture. snap.

As for the "actress surnamed Y", the weekly only put a picture with a big question mark.

So now, Yuan Yuan looked at the "latest breaking news", looked at the pictures and the names under the pictures, turned his eyes back and forth twice, and frowned deeper and deeper.

Someone is asking her to go filming, and she didn't have time to type any more, so she hastily posted a Weibo in the topic——

"Why do you want to wrong someone? The person who cheated on An Jingchen is obviously not surnamed Y."

After sending, I put the phone in the box, jumped up and started working.

But because of this sentence, there was an uproar on the Internet.

The focus of other people's revelations was on the actress surnamed Y, saying that the actress surnamed Y wanted to seduce An Jingchen, but the meaning of "I have a second" clearly meant that An Jingchen was indeed having an affair with someone!
This is cheating!
I wish if it was just an ordinary id, or even an ordinary Weibo with V certification, it would be fine...

But she is a well-known grassroots blogger with a high degree of attention, and she rarely shows up at ordinary times. Many people put her in a special attention group, so as not to ignore the content of her post when there are too many messages.

Especially... what she said today was too scary!

The passers-by who watched the excitement were all excited, and asked if the news was true or not, and was she also an insider, otherwise how would they know such an explosive inside story.

As soon as they replied, Yuanyuan's Weibo became a popular Weibo in the topic and was discovered by more people.

An Jingchen's fans exploded in an instant, regardless of 21, they started cursing first, and all kinds of ugly three-character scriptures greeted Yuan Yuan.

An Jingchen was filming on the set, and now he can't be contacted. Some of An Jingchen's friends heard the news of "I have a [-]", and immediately jumped out to scold him.

An Jingchen's friends include idol stars, well-known hosts, directors, producers, musicians, designers, countless media people... and many celebrities in the business world.

For a while, it was like a big siege, as if some well-known people on Weibo were scolding "I have a two two", saying that she wanted to be popular and crazy, and used such nasty things to smear An Jingchen.

(End of this chapter)

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