my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 329 The Truth Is Too Shocking

Chapter 329 The Truth Is Too Shocking ([-])

An Jingchen also has a well-known lawyer friend, and that barrister also jumped out and said, "I have a second and second" has constituted a crime of defamation, just wait for the subpoena!

Those who didn't like the original wish took advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and then made_ rumors, saying that "I have a [-]" must have been instigated by the actress surnamed Y to deliberately pour dirty water on others. It seems that the sweet suitor has to find someone else Hit the actress with the surname Y.

Many people agree with this statement, otherwise the Weibo before "I have a [-]" would have been put there. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary person with a simple life, how could he suddenly know about the entertainment industry!

I wish I had been busy for almost three hours, and finally I was able to rest for a while. I fell down on the chair, covered myself with a super thick military cotton coat, and then took out my phone...


As soon as she opened Weibo, she saw more than 7 @reminders, more than [-] new comments, and countless private messages. This huge number made her stunned.

"I have a [-]" Weibo is very lively, but it has never been as popular as it is today.

Yuan Yuan frowned at everyone's insults, suddenly clicked on the big picture of An Jingchen's photo, raised his mobile phone, and turned to ask the bodyguards, "Is this the man from the couple who had an affair in the film and television city in the middle of the night?" ?"

The bodyguards all looked at her with tears in their eyes.

They've been scratching the wall for a while... (┬_┬) It's indeed An Jingchen, but how does the sister-in-law know!

It turned out that she saw it at the beginning...Thinking about Brother Qi's instructions that day...they should continue to scratch the wall.

This is definitely not an ordinary cheating incident!
An Jingchen is an idol and a powerful faction. He holds the best actor award in his hand and is recognized as a box office guarantee. To put it simply, he is basically a comprehensive version of the advantages of Lei Yu and Fu Ran.

He is the top actor among domestic actors under the age of 40, and his public image has always been excellent. You can see the siege of his sister-in-law by countless plus v microblogs just now. He also has many friends in the circle, and he will definitely attract all his friends by then. He did nothing wrong to support himself, and then desperately brainwashed netizens and fans.

And the most important thing is... the person he cheated on, the woman he had an affair with in the film and television city that day... was Winnie.

Winnie is An Jingchen's manager, and also his wife's half-sister...

In other words, she should be called An Jingchen's brother-in-law.

Facts are too heavy and too dumbfounding. Today, I finally met who these two people are, and the bodyguards were all dumbfounded. I finally understood why even Qi Xiuyuan was taken aback that day.

Both Wen and An are rich and powerful, and they will never tolerate such a scandal. It depends on how they handle it.

Winnie is a manager, so her wrists are definitely not too weak. Moreover, she used the name of being An Jingchen's manager to go in and out with him in a legitimate way. She has been in bed for some time... ...certainly not some fuel-efficient light.

As for An Jingchen's official wife, Wenxin...

This young lady of the Wen family is too low-key, I can't even find a clear picture of her on the Internet, and no one knows what kind of style she is.

And the Wen family runs an entertainment company... An Jingchen's contract is in their company.

In the end, it was An Jingchen's status that plummeted, and he could never return to the glory of the leading actor in China. The stars who supported him on the wrong team were also suppressed by the Wen family and the families who had good friends with the Wen family. The ranking of domestic stars came once again. Big shuffle...

(End of this chapter)

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