my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 339 To Be Adorable To Be Dedicated

Chapter 339 Be Dedicated To Be Cute ([-])
An Jingchen is really disgusting, many netizens want to beat him up now, so this group beating did not arouse everyone's disgust at all, but many people regret that the beating was too light...

Especially the video is more convincing than the photo. An Jingchen's disgusting face in the video is trying to seduce the original wish and make the original wish change...I really want to vomit.

It wasn't until An Jingchen got up in embarrassment that he realized that he had been secretly photographed.

The bodyguards are all very elegant in appearance, they don't take the route of big waist and round waist... But standing together with twenty people is still very intimidating.

An Jingchen's face changed a few times, knowing that he could not get good things here, he was going to go back and bring in reinforcements.

As for that video...

He sneered contemptuously, and walked straight out of the set, "Whoever posted it, delete it as soon as possible! Before you dare to secretly take pictures of me, think about whether you can offend An Jia!"

Even if he can't turn over this time, he is still the young master of the An family, just a group of young actors, who dare to break ground on him!
And Yuanyuan... An Jingchen glanced at Yuanyuan threateningly.

Don't blame him for playing tricks if you don't eat a toast and eat fine wine!

Dao Ye coughed leisurely, and imitated his voice with a sneer, "I took the video, and I also posted it~ Let me tell you, I don't want to do this! If you don't believe me, go back and ask your father, he dares to Don’t dare to clean me up!”

Pfft... "Director Ye is mighty!"

"Director Ye is so domineering! Please sign!"

"Director Ye begs to be friends!"

"Director Ye begging to add more meat to the box lunch tomorrow!"

Everyone in the crew booed and applauded... At the same time, they despised the foodie who took the opportunity to make random demands.

An Jingchen's footsteps stopped, his face was black and blue.

He really couldn't move Dao Ye...not just him, his father couldn't move either.

And with Dao Ye's status as one who responds to everything, if he is also on the side of that woman...

An Jingchen's expression changed, and he finally started to get scared. He turned around and said, "Director Ye, I thought you could understand me, but this is just a mistake any man would make."

Ye Dao moved his mouth and found that he couldn't find too sharp words to scold him, so he turned his head and asked Yuan Yuan, "Yuan Yuan, how should I answer this question?"

As soon as the words came out, Ye Dao patted his forehead in a complicated mood.

In vain, he is also a well-known director... No matter how you say it, he should be considered a middle-aged man, right?

In the end, I had to ask for advice on wording, which is not very good in Chinese...Natural II is really too powerful.

Yuan Yuan didn't listen to what An Jingchen said at all... Hearing the retelling from the people around him, he couldn't help frowning blankly, "I don't know how to answer, I don't even understand what he's talking about."

As he spoke, he continued to bow his head and practice winking.

An attitude of not taking An Jingchen seriously...

Originally, he couldn't continue to fight, so why do you still remember him?Anyway, Er Er will definitely teach him a lesson, so she doesn't have to worry about it.

Director Ye became interested and asked curiously, "Why don't you understand?"

There are no complicated words in this sentence, Yuanyuan's Chinese level is enough to cope with it.

"I don't understand why he said that," Yuan Yuan put down the mirror and discussed with Director Ye strangely, "It doesn't matter what mistakes men make, isn't he a slut?"

Brother Ererqi and the others are men.

"Pfft—" Many people in the production team sprayed.

Yuan Yuan's extremely straightforward and serious eyes, coupled with these poisonous tongues, are really too lethal!
...Well, she certainly doesn't think it's a poisonous tongue, she really thinks so...

(End of this chapter)

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