my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 340 To Be Adorable To Be Dedicated

Chapter 340 Be Dedicated To Be Cute ([-])
But that's what hits people...

An Jingchen's face turned pale with anger, and the hand that pointed at Yuanyuan was shaking.

Ye Dao laughed so hard that he slapped his thighs. Lei Yu was pushed into the room by his manager, and he laughed in the room. Even Han Tian, ​​who had kept his head half down, couldn't help but curl his lips. Get a snack from your pocket and start eating.

Bodyguard B has been watching him secretly, and now he can't help telling his companions with a heavy heart, "Han Tian is eating...carrot lollipops."

The color is chocolate flavor, but the shape is a small carrot...

Is Han Tian pretending to be a little white rabbit too professionally...

Seeing An Jingchen, who was once so glorious, became the object of ridicule by everyone, Lu Xinwei seemed to see her back then...

Feeling both hatred and excitement in my heart, I immediately got up and walked towards An Jingchen.

The An family is also a well-known family in China, if An Jingchen is brought into her camp, Yuan Yuan will definitely lose even worse!
Lu Xinwei thought beautifully, but An Jingchen...

When he saw Lu Xinwei, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized - the original wish was never to be messed with!

When she first returned to China, Lu Xinwei was considered to be in the limelight, but after joining the crew, countless embarrassing scandals broke out along the way!Many people in the circle took her as a joke!

It seems that this original wish... still has a way.

He wants to go back and study carefully how to deal with her.

In the current situation, only if the image of the original wish is destroyed, netizens will no longer believe her revelations!
An Jingchen didn't delay anymore, completely ignored Lu Xinwei who was clearly trying to stop him, and left quickly.

This escaping action almost drove Lu Xinwei to death.

Lan Xiaoxiao is like this, and so is An Jingchen!How dare these little characters ignore her!

If there was still a little bit of hesitation in her heart before, now Lu Xinwei is extremely determined, and she has to rely on the backing of the Qinglang Gang...

Han Tian saw her expression clearly, smiled slightly, continued to put on a bunny-like face, and continued to eat his carrot-shaped lollipop...

An Jingchen usually hides it too well, but today's revelation caused an uproar on the Internet and in the circle.

Everyone can see that in the next few days, there will probably be a fierce battle, and most people in the circle will face the choice of standing.

Which should be supported?At this time, many people consider interests rather than justice.

If the side I support wins in the end, then there will be some benefits in the future, commonly known as success in hugging the thigh.

If you accidentally stand on the wrong team, support the wrong person... the popularity of big stars will be affected a bit, and small artists who are not stable at all may be suppressed and hidden in the snow.

Entertainment reporters like this kind of time the most... They will never let anyone go. Later in the day, all the celebrities who showed up were asked if they had heard of An Jingchen.

No one publicly expressed their support for Wen Xin, some people didn't want to cause trouble, they said a few words of Tai Chi to ambiguous the topic, some people took the opportunity to express their loyalty to An Jingchen, and kept saying that they believed in An Shao's character.

There are also people... like Lu Ting, who are frightened by this question.

Lu Ting was Guan Xingrui's first semi-public appearance, the idol singer he met when he accompanied Yuan Yuan to Ye Dao's family banquet before Ye Dao's new play started filming.

She is also Lu Xinwei's cousin.

At that time, Lu Ting wanted to hook up with Guan Xingrui, but was tricked by a black-bellied uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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