my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 342 To Be Adorable To Be Dedicated

Chapter 342 To Be Adorable To Be Dedicated ([-])
"After catching up with this announcement, the car from the TV station sent me to the airport. Everyone in the business class can prove that I was only surrounded by my assistant that day. Excuse me, you and Yuan Yuan are both in City A, how did you see me having an affair with Winnie? ?”

Lu Ting already understood that she had fallen into a trap, her face turned pale, she pushed aside the entertainment reporters around her, snatched the phone from the assistant, and was anxious to contact Guan Xingrui.

She got Yuanyuan into trouble!

Will Guan Xingrui kill her...

The entertainment reporters had already withdrawn, and they were going back to release new news. Lu Ting's manager and assistants were frightened by the sudden change, and they didn't respond for a while.

Lu Ting dialed several times, but Guan Xingrui didn't answer the phone, sweating from anxiety.

Only An Jingchen laughed coldly.

fight with him?Just rely on the little ability of the original wish, dreaming!
Do you think there is nothing wrong with Qi Xiuyuan as a military advisor?Do you think that if you can take down a small character like Lan Xiaoxiao and Lu Xinwei, you will be invincible?!
This time, he will let Yuanyuan and them see how he can make people so that they can never turn over!

As long as Lu Ting's lying is firmly grasped, people will doubt Lu Ting's confession at the beginning, and rediscover the original matter... It is best to take the opportunity to incite, saying that the original intention was to seduce Lei Yu deliberately, and let Lei Yu's group Especially diehard fans also scolded Yuan Yuan.

When everyone's focus shifted and they all ran to scold Yuan Yuan, no one would care about his affairs.

When someone finally remembered the matter between him and Winnie, Yuanyuan's reputation was already too bad, and everyone's reaction would be the same——

You can still believe what that kind of woman says!
Guan Xingrui didn't answer the phone because he went to Yan Shaobai, the fifth youngest of the Yan family, to have a reexamination of his right hand.

The mobile phone signal will affect the instrument, so he left the mobile phone outside.

"Right now, I can only say that my operation was correct. As for whether I can recover, I can only wait until you can start rehabilitation, and then see the situation." Xiao Wu told the truth.

"En." Guan Xingrui's expression and tone were extremely calm.

Xiao Wu was speechless, "This is your hand...why do I think you don't care about it at all?"

A certain uncle looked at him calmly, "I can protect Xinxin with one hand."

He didn't have a chance to treat it before, and he always regarded this hand as useless, so it's good if it can be cured, and he doesn't care if it can't be cured.

Xiao Wu wants to touch his forehead even more, who told you this... "Okay, even if it's for the original wish, you should care about your hands, right?"

A certain Tong foster husband disagreed, "I like whatever I become~" in a very affirmative and rippling tone.

Why does he think this is a show of happiness...

Then I compared myself to being bullied by a son who suddenly appeared for a summer vacation, and finally met his son's mother and his other son, and then continued to be bullied...but still have no title. The sad situation... Xiaowu is depressed up.

Just about to express my disdain for Guan Xingrui... The white wall of the examination room suddenly lit up, and the enlarged version of Young Master Yan's face appeared on the wall without warning...

"Telephone." He reminded Guan Xingrui concisely.

...Big, big brother!The tragic Xiao Wu was too close to the wall, and fell backward in fright.

Why do you always come out in such a manner that you are announcing that aliens have begun to invade the earth... (┬_┬)
Although Young Master Yan really doesn't look like a human being, he has always protected his shortcomings... It is impossible to watch his cousin fall down.

However, the way the old man "saves" his cousin is also different from ordinary humans...

(End of this chapter)

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