my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 343 Boss You...

Chapter 343 Boss, You... ([-])
After a few light knocks on the keyboard, the unplugged old-fashioned vacuum cleaner in the examination room suddenly started to move!
It ran over, stopped behind Xiao Wu, and gave him a firm bump to prevent him from falling. When he stood still, he retreated and returned to the corner where it was originally.

The whole movement was very crisp and quick, and he didn't even take a step in a wrong way.

After notifying Guan Xingrui and seeing his cousin successfully rescued by the vacuum cleaner, First Young Master Yan was very satisfied. With a flick, his old man's image disappeared from the wall... just as abruptly as it appeared.

Xiao Wu: "..." (┬_┬) It turns out that his vacuum cleaner... also betrayed the earth!
Liangliang... that is, his wife who has been refusing to give him a title all this time said that his eldest brother wrote a program by himself, which can remotely control all electrical appliances.

He didn't believe this statement at all... Liangliang must be covering up his big brother's extraterrestrial abilities!

When Xiao Wu was crying, Guan Xingrui had already gone out to pick up the phone, knowing what happened.

Lu Ting was so nervous that she was incoherent, "I, I can remedy it, Mr. Guan, give me a chance, I... tell me what to do..."

The old god Guan Xingrui was looking at his right hand on the ground, not in a hurry, "I can't send it out."


"That news cannot be published."

He cared about everything, even if he was dealing with a brain-dead, he would not take it lightly, let alone An Jingchen, who had no idea how deep the opponent was when they met for the first time.

As early as Xinxin posted on Weibo that "An Jingchen's cheating partner is not surnamed Y", he sent a subordinate to spy on An Jingchen, lest he use any cheap tricks to retaliate.

When Lu Ting was set up by Yu Ji, his subordinates were also there, and they didn't stop her on the spot, they just wanted to see how An Jingchen's skills were.

A certain Tong foster husband didn't bother to explain so much to Lu Ting, but Lu Ting was stunned for a long time before she realized it.

It turns out that Guan Xingrui was prepared!
Thinking about it, I couldn't help being afraid again.

Thanks to the fact that she chose to stand on Yuanyuan's side before, otherwise if she had a little intention of framing Yuanyuan... Lu Ting shuddered Lingling again.

On the other side... the Yu Ji bought by An Jingchen really failed to send out the recording in his hand.

But the problem is...

Guan Xingrui's bodyguard X really had no choice but to call his boss for help, "Boss, I am not the only one monitoring An Jingchen, I just found out that there is also a man who can disguise and has been following him..."

Cross-dressing is not a disguise. Generally speaking, it is to quickly change clothes, change hairstyles and put on a few strokes of makeup on the face. If you don’t look carefully, you will think that you have changed someone. In this way, the person being followed will think that the person behind you has changed several times. Once again, there will be no alertness.

The bodyguard X felt that he hadn't fulfilled the task of the boss, and asked with self-blame, "But at the same time, he also found me... Now we have been looking at each other for almost a minute, what should we do?"

The key is not knowing whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, and they must not reveal their identities... Here again, a concert has just ended, and people come and go outside the gymnasium. If the conversation is a bad person, passers-by can be held hostage at any time.

It's hard now.

This situation did not bother a certain Tong foster husband at all, he calmly commanded his subordinates, "Go over, look him firmly in the eyes, and ask him if he would like to marry you."

Bodyguard X: "..." Boss, have you heard that I'm a man? (┬_┬)
(End of this chapter)

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