my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 344 Boss You...

Chapter 344 Boss, You... ([-])
The bodyguard X burst into tears on the spot, but still followed the order of his boss in grief and angrily, walked up to the other party with the momentum of robbing the marriage, and yelled, "Do you want to marry me?"

"..." The other party was scared away within a second...

The boss's wonderful method is so easy to use that it makes people cry...

The bodyguard X's tears flowed more joyfully when he found that the people nearby were all watching him with eyes that had been struck by lightning...

After solving his subordinates' problems, Guan Xingrui dialed his fiancee's cell phone.

"Two two~" Yuan Yuan answered the phone soon.


"have you eaten?"

"not yet."

"Then give me the address, and I'll order takeaway for you." Yuan Yuan was very concerned about the three meals of her foster husband.

A certain Mensao enjoys this treatment very much... In a place where no one can see, she smiled so much that the corners of her lips curled up. After reporting the address, she continued to chat with her after she finished calling for takeaway.

"Two two, Brother Qi said, this time I posted the news about An Jingchen's cheating. After they quarrel for several months, my name will appear on the headlines with them for several months. I don’t have to worry about being forgotten, so I can have a vacation after filming this movie~”

Yuan Yuan asked enthusiastically, "Two Er, after I get the rest of the film salary, I'll take you out to play, okay?"

"Okay." A certain Mensao really likes the phrase "take you out to play"...

So the two discussed the destination of going out to play.

"Denmark?" Guan Xingrui suggested, "When you were young, you said you must go to Andersen's hometown once."

"But Erer just came home at that time. When I was a child, I liked Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales told by my mother, but later I thought the stories about me and Erer were more beautiful."

"Hmm~~~" After the iconic "hmm", Guan Xingrui asked her, "What kind of place do you want to go?"

"Hmm... the scenery is beautiful, the food is delicious, and you can also see Er Er's place." Yuanyuan's request is not complicated.

Guan Xingrui also quickly selected a suitable location - "Go to the beach."

According to the standard of the original wish, it seems that many classic tourist destinations are suitable, but the reason why someone only chooses the seaside is——

"Go to the beach and I can swim for you."

"Okay!" Yuanyuan was very interested in this proposal, and recalled her child husband's wardrobe, and immediately grabbed the tablet, "I want to buy you a new pair of swimming trunks, the ones with less fabric ~ the less fabric is more beautiful~"

"Hmm~" Someone also fully agrees.

Anyway, he is going to take Xinxin to his friend’s private island, just for Xinxin to see, it doesn’t matter how little fabric it is~ no problem if there is no fabric~
It was because of this reason that people couldn't look directly at each other that they chose a vacation location...

How could things like integrity appear on these two weirdos...

Yuan Yuan and Guan Xingrui were sweetly discussing the vacation. Both of them can cook, but they are not very proficient. In the past, they studied and learned everything together. Since they want to go out for fun this time, the two decided Try grilling meat and grilled seafood yourself.

With such a large group of bodyguards, the barbecue party is very interesting~
So when Guan Xingrui came out from Xiao Wu's place and took the bodyguards to the airport, he drove QQ all the way, and Yuan Yuan and Yuan Yuan flipped through the barbecue tutorials on the Internet to discuss which one to follow.

All in all, the atmosphere is very relaxed.

On the other side... An Jingchen was about to vomit blood.

(End of this chapter)

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