my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 347 Black belly will never lose

Chapter 347 Black belly will never lose ([-])
There are entertainment journals everywhere in the film and television city, so the next day, as soon as An Jingchen walked out, he was photographed with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

An Jingchen was beaten again!
It was clearly recorded in the video last night that Yuanyuan's bodyguard didn't hit him in the face!Who did it in the middle of the night?
Netizens immediately diverged their thinking and collectively thought of Wenxin's legendary suitor.

Beating him like a pig's head is really ruthless... This person must not have taken An Jingchen, the young master of the An family, seriously at all!
Looks like a great guy too!

I really hope that he is an excellent man with outstanding qualifications, a few blocks away from An Jingchen... At that time, Wenxin will live a much happier life than before, and I will be so angry with bitch An and her bitch sister!

... But to be honest, if you want to beat An Jingchen by a few blocks in every aspect... It seems that only the young masters of the Yan family can do it.

But they have masters again...

Netizens who paid attention to this derailment incident felt ups and downs just like that...

An Jingchen's public relations team also started to take action. A round of drafts were thrown down, trying to brainwash everyone. An Jingchen did this because of his last resort.

Wenxin's side was unusually calm, and the incident had happened for a while, but there was still no news from her.

As for Yuanyuan, the key whistleblower...

She is nestling comfortably in the hotel, enjoying the love breakfast made by her child husband.

The entertainment reporters not only want to interview An Jingchen, but also have a lot of questions to ask about their original wishes. For example, if she broke the news, she is not afraid of offending the An family and the Wen family and being scolded to death by An Jingchen's diehard fans, or her "I have a [-]" Weibo...

It is estimated that if the original wish comes true, the swarm of entertainment journalists will fill the entire set, and Director Ye's crew will not have to work today.

So Ye Dao specially gave her original wish a day off, and asked her to wait until the limelight passed.

When Guan Xingrui returned to City A this time, he also brought back a few small suits that Xu Yiran had tailor-made for Hengheng... Mr. Hengheng is going back to try on clothes now...

Xiaomi couldn't see Xingxing humming, so he came to play with Yuanyuan.

Seeing that Yuan wished to have fun with Xiaomi, the bodyguards immediately took the opportunity to attack their boss, "Boss, boss, look how much sister-in-law likes Xiaomi!"

"I'm sure I'll like it, Xiaomi is an expert at being coquettish and cute!"

"Yeah, those who can't act like a baby have no future."

"That's right, if you want to be favored, you have to know how to act coquettishly, otherwise you will lose the fight for favor sooner or later!"

Bodyguards, you talk to each other, trying to fool your boss into acting coquettishly...

After a moment of silence, a certain Tong foster husband suddenly stopped his hands preparing lunch, and turned his head expressionlessly, "Why are you acting like a baby?"

No, it's impossible for the boss to take the bait... He just absolutely didn't want to face the fate of "failure for favor", so he knew it was a trap and jumped down without hesitation...

Regardless of the reason, the bodyguards only focused on the result, and rushed over immediately, actively changing various expressions and movements, showing him how to act like a baby.

What is the image!As long as you can see the boss acting like a baby, it's worth asking them to do anything!

A certain uncle watched the whole process in silence, then suddenly picked up the mobile phone that was placed aside, tapped twice, and dialed another number, "Have you seen the video, they all have girlfriends, and they were talking to me just now Learn how their girlfriends act like a baby to them."

(End of this chapter)

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