my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 348 Black belly will never lose

Chapter 348 Black belly will never lose ([-])
Chu Dameinan on the other end of the phone: "..."! @#¥%&!

... Another batch of scum was born!

Chu Ran immediately put aside the "grievance" with Guan Xingrui, and said in a very kind tone, "Let them wait, I'll go and see them in a few days!"

I was about to hang up the phone, but suddenly brought it back to my ear, "I'm going to drink the water my wife poured for me, I'll talk about it later."

The bodyguards who were stunned by Chu Damei and found themselves hacked: (┬_┬)
Boss, are you really our dear boss!
Why do you teach us so much, but don't teach us how to be black-bellied...(┬_┬)
After cheating on his subordinates, a certain Tong Yangfu uncle walked over calmly, took Xiaomi aside, and asked the original wish as if he had mentioned it casually, "Xinxin, for lunch, rice or millet?"

"Xiaomi!" Yuan Yuan answered with confidence.

She likes to drink millet porridge~
"Woof~~~" Xiaomi thought that Yuan Yuan was calling him, so he ran out of Guan Xingrui's hand, swooped, and threw Yuan Yuan onto the sofa, then rolled around like a baby and tried to be cute...and made Yuan Yuan's hair into a mess A standard chicken coop shape.

Original wish was laughed at by Xiaomi, played with Xiaomi for a while, and combed his hair again.

…After a while, because a child’s husband asked whether he would eat rice or millet tomorrow morning, his original wish was thrown away again… and his hair turned into a chicken coop again…

After that, it will be tomorrow noon, and tomorrow night... If I continue to ask questions in this order, I wish that every time I answer "Xiaomi", my hair will change into a chicken coop.

The bodyguards onlookers wept silently.

They seem to finally understand why the boss gave Xiaomi this name...

Because my sister-in-law likes to eat millet...

Recalling it again, before the boss named him, he seemed to ask Xiaomi what kind of personality he was. At that time, they said that they loved to be coquettish and clingy, and they were round and cute...then the name Xiaomi appeared.

It turned out that the boss was afraid that Xiaomi would compete for favor over him, so he had already prepared for this trap! (┬_┬)
For dark-bellied creatures, they really only want to say four words—teach me quickly!
I wish my hair was already long, and I combed the chicken coop more than ten times in the morning... I was tired from combing.

A hopeless Tong Yangfu defeated Xiaomi, the "favorite", and was in a very good mood to help his precious fiancee comb her hair.

The atmosphere in the room was extremely warm. Although the bodyguards looked down on the happy appearance of their boss with their eyes, they laughed along with them in their hearts.

There were footsteps outside the door, and looking through the door, the man was about to ring the doorbell.

Unable to break such a good atmosphere, bodyguard A glanced at the man outside the door dressed as a hotel waiter, and immediately opened the door to avoid noisy doorbells.

Every day at this time, someone from the hotel will come to do the cleaning work, but it's just that they didn't go out today, that's all.


"Why did you harm An Shao! Go to hell!"

As soon as that person stepped into the door, he yelled at Yuan Yuan, picked up a glass bottle from the cleaning cart, and threw it at Yuan Yuan!

Immediately the pungent smell permeates... sulfuric acid?!
The intuitive reaction was this. Guan Xingrui embraced Yuanyuan as early as the first time and turned his back on that person, protecting her tightly in his arms. May another group among them pick up all the things that are at hand, and separate the transparent liquid that doesn't know what it is.

(End of this chapter)

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