my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 358 Black Belly & Little White Rabbit

Chapter 358 Black Belly & Little White Rabbit ([-])
Does Guan Xingrui really know that he is connected with the Blue Wolf Gang?
There was still no trace of nervousness in Han Tian's eyes, he raised his head slightly, bit his lip in embarrassment, "I... don't want to promise you."

As he spoke, he raised his eyes, glanced at Guan Xingrui, and quickly lowered his eyelashes like a frightened little rabbit, "I'm afraid you'll bully me."

"..." The bodyguards who had been paying attention here silently vomited blood.

A certain Tong foster husband was clearly a caring man.

Seeing Han Tian with such a little white rabbit, he couldn't bear to embarrass Han Tian anymore, so he opened the window, lifted Han Tian and his wheelchair, and pushed them out of the window, "Don't worry, I will indeed bully you."

This old man was really kind, he didn't want to see Han Tian guessing again and again, so he gave him the exact answer directly.
Bodyguards: (┬_┬)
It’s almost Chinese New Year, Boss, don’t you go back to your hometown, Qipaxing, to visit relatives... (┬_┬)
Han Tian was at such a height of more than ten floors, and he would die if he fell. He looked down, looked like a dejected little white rabbit, and nodded, "Okay, I promise you."

A certain uncle was very clear about rewards and punishments, so he calmly carried him back from the window and handed him a number, "As a reward, I can save your life in the future."

Han Tian glanced at the number which was composed of numbers and symbols, it couldn't be called a phone number at all, and then at Guan Xingrui's calm expression, he knew that this number would definitely save lives at critical moments.

Putting away the note, Han Tian stopped playing around with him, "You deliberately let Lin Xinyue frame Yuanyuan?"

"That's right, otherwise I wouldn't have an excuse to punish her severely."

"Mr. Guan is really black-bellied." Han Tian suddenly laughed, "But Mr. Guan, who is so cautious, found out my true face, but spared my life? You are not afraid that I have some purpose, deliberately approaching the original wish, deliberately Pretending to be her fan?"

After a pause, Han Tian's tone became more relaxed and cheerful, "For example... I like the original wish."
A certain uncle glanced at him calmly, "If you really like Xinxin, I will treat you better than now. Because I like people with vision."

cold day:"……"

After choking people half to death, and successfully pushing Lin Xinyue into the fire pit, a certain foster husband of Tong was about to retire.

But before turning around, he had something to say.

"There is something I want to remind you."

This sounded like the opening remarks of an imminent threat, causing Han Tian's eyes to flicker slightly, "What's the matter?"

"Little white rabbits don't like carrots, they like green vegetables."

Han Tian: "..." o_O
That night, Han Tian followed the trend and ate vegetable-shaped lollipops.

...Of course, he followed the trend of the little white rabbits.

And Lin Xinyue didn't know that she was about to face a catastrophe, so she stayed in the room all day, flipping through Weibo and various forums over and over again.

Why is this happening!She obviously planned it so well. At that time, netizens also thought that she was going to seduce An Jingchen, so why did the situation turn around completely!
Now that the original wish is mentioned on the Internet, they are all saying that she has a sense of justice and courage, and she is not afraid to provoke the huge fans of An Jia and An Jingchen, and dare to expose the disgusting face of bitch An!

Like her, the one who gritted her teeth against the original wish, of course, was An Jingchen, a bitch.

"Damn, what should I do now!" An Jingchen was beaten into a pig's head by the fourth young master of the Yan family, his face was so swollen that even makeup couldn't cover it, he couldn't start work at all, so he could only stay in the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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