my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 359 2 is too sharp

Chapter 359 The second is too sharp ([-])

He was scolded everywhere on the Internet, because of the long Weibo post where he framed Wen Xin, his image was completely ruined!Now no matter how much he brainwashes netizens, no one will believe him anymore!
"X! The one who poured vinegar and water just now, why didn't he really pour sulfuric acid and burn the original wish to death!" An Jingchen cursed viciously.

He scolded hard, but Winnie was not in a hurry.

What's wrong with being found out?This time, she and Chen finally don't have to be sneaky anymore. It's best that Wenxin can't stand the blow and wants to divorce Chen. By then, she will be Chen's legitimate wife!
Concealing the excitement and hope in her eyes, Winnie hugged An Jingchen tenderly, "Chen, don't think about these troublesome things, I wish that woman..."

"Yes, woman!"

But An Jingchen suddenly thought of something, pushed away Winnie who was standing in his way, grabbed the phone on the table, and was in a hurry to check something.

"Chen..." Winnie was pushed against the wall, pinching her throat and acting like a spoiled child, but An Jingchen turned a blind eye.

...Damn it!
Winnie also cursed in her heart.

All because of the original wish!If the original wish hadn't caused these things and made Chen so upset, how could Chen ignore her and push her away so rudely!

Winnie didn't want to admit that An Jingchen was a bitch to begin with, and he didn't mean anything to her at all, it was just for fun, so he pushed all the responsibility on Yuanyuan.

Now Winnie finally began to hate the original wish too.

Is there a way to overthrow the original wish?In fact, she had already thought of it!
In order to avoid An Jingchen's suspicion, Winnie deliberately pretended to be suddenly enlightened, "Chen, I thought of a way! Didn't there be news at noon yesterday that Yuanyuan wanted to seduce you, and was peeping when you went to the bathroom? Now it is possible Using this piece of news, she said that she was here to seduce you, and she became angry from embarrassment to frame you!"

"As for that photo... You can bribe someone in the crew to testify that it was you practicing a scene by yourself, and I was just helping you!"

"Honey, you're so smart, you thought of going with me!"

An Jingchen dug out the Weibo that broke the news yesterday, glanced at it, and laughed wildly.

Want to bring him down?Oh, what a fantasy!

He immediately let her taste the taste of ruin!
An Jingchen is a popular superstar and a young master of a rich family. He has money, status and contacts. He has a very stable foundation in this circle. Even if he sees the catastrophe coming, there are still many entertainment reporters who buy his account.

Or to put it another way... it's an account for buying money.

A few entertainment journalists took the money, and when they returned home, they would write close-ups, swearing that they had received a tip from a reliable person, and that the whole cheating incident was a vicious revenge for the failed courtship.

As for the long Weibo post that An Jingchen "framed" Wenxin, the content was absolutely true, Wenxin had indeed cheated.

It just so happened that these days An Jingchen and Wenxin were arguing over this matter, and Wenxin once threatened him that he would ruin his image as an artist.

An Jingchen's emotions were already a little excited, and when his scandal came out, his first reaction was to be warm, so this long Weibo appeared.

After the photo of him and Winnie came out, he didn't show up again because he quarreled with Wenxin again.

An Jingchen really didn't change his slut nature, he harmed Yuanyuan and Wenxin at once.

Especially Wen Xin, who had never done anything sorry to him, was once again splashed with dirty water by him.

(End of this chapter)

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