my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 366 I want to cry so much

Chapter 366 I want to cry so much ([-])
Due to the bumps, An Jingchen woke up just after he was carried back to the hotel room.

The severe pain made him unable to speak, so he grabbed a thug who was carrying him, "F-woman..."

That woman just now!

He definitely yelled "What a small jj" on purpose!It must have been kicked so hard on purpose!
Be sure to catch that woman!Even if it is torture, you have to find out who ordered her!

The thugs who carried him broke out in cold sweat.

It's all like this, still thinking about women?

This is not just a matter of lust, it is simply a disease of the brain!
They usually serve the An family's mansion, and they are not very familiar with this young master of the An family who has been working hard in the entertainment industry all year round.

An Jingchen is not the only young master of the An family. One of the thugs prefers the young master of the An family. Seeing this An Jingchen who has caused a lot of scandals is getting more and more distasteful, and he can't help saying, "...Young master, you... now It's better to take care of your body first, and stop thinking about women!"

Don't you think it's not enough to be ashamed?
Besides... such a small thing... going outside to find a woman, wouldn't more people see it?
But there is no need to hide it. It is estimated that the news has already spread, and now all the netizens who watched the fun know it...

An Jingchen immediately heard the subtext of the bodyguards, and his hands were shaking with anger, "It's not your turn to teach me a lesson!"

That is, but we will send you back to listen to the old man's lesson soon~
An's thug wanted to roll his eyes.

Winnie has been standing by the side, seeing disdain in the eyes of the thugs, and Uncle Cheng, who can best represent the meaning of the An family, is also standing by the side, without saying a word, completely unprepared to teach the thugs the following crimes, and his heart is getting worse and worse. cold.

What should we do now?
Uncle Cheng dared to let it go, which meant that the old man must have given up on An Jingchen!

After losing the support of An's family and causing so many scandals, he can no longer hang out in the industry. What will An Jingchen do to make money in the future?
The video of her and An Jingchen was sold as A_V, the Wen family would never tolerate her, and she would never think that any normal man would be willing to marry her... What will she do in the future?Living a hard life with An Jingchen?
No, she will never!
No, An Jingchen is the only hope left for her now, she has to do it if she can't, she must think of a remedy!

Winnie rushed to An Jingchen's side, opened the thugs who were carrying him, and helped him to sit on the sofa, "Chen, there is only one way left now... just because I'm afraid that you won't be so sweet."

An Jingchen asked anxiously, "What can I do?" She didn't care whether Wen Xin was miserable or not.

Winnie's eyes flickered slightly, "Put all the responsibility on Wen Xin, and say that Wen Xin is barren, because she is afraid that An's family will value the heir and cannot tolerate her barren daughter-in-law, and because she is afraid that the news will leak out, she dare not find a surrogate mother outside, so she will go out and find a surrogate mother." Forced me to go to bed with you for her. You were very angry when you found out, and insisted on divorcing her, and Wen Xin agreed. You think you should be responsible for me, and you were with me during the agreed divorce period. Unexpectedly, Wen Xin appeared Promise, actually planned all this secretly, and even sold the secretly recorded video to the A_V company!"

The thugs were sweating coldly behind their backs.

This woman is too scary, too vicious...

After stealing my sister's husband, she even made up such a lie and continued to frame her...

(End of this chapter)

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