my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 367 I want to cry so much

Chapter 367 I want to cry so much ([-])
It is impossible to imagine that someone would turn black and white like this. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they might have believed this complicated and bizarre lie!
Winnie was also very satisfied with the lie she made up, suppressed her joy and began to calculate the success rate of this move.

Wait for Chen to agree now!

Then she immediately contacted her family. If such a big incident happened, it would be either Wen Xin or her. In short, there must be a daughter in the family who will be ruined.

The difference is that if she is the one who loses in the end, the Wen family will get nothing and get involved in scandals for nothing, but if the loser is Wen Xin...

If she wins, it means that An Jingchen has also won. She marries An Jingchen and becomes a legitimate young mistress of the An family. With her skills, she can definitely help An Jingchen defeat his brother and win more shares in the An family company. When the Wen family and the An family join forces, the benefits are immeasurable!
This truth must be understood by the family.

She can guarantee that the last one to be given up must be Wen Xin!

An Jingchen was as vicious as Winnie, and this idea was exactly what he liked.

He was about to laugh wildly again when he heard it, and with a grin at the corner of his mouth, the wound on his face was touched.

"Hiss..." He gasped in pain, and thinking of the scene of being beaten up by a mysterious man that day, he couldn't help being afraid.

"The method is very good, is said that Wenxin has a mysterious suitor. Even if Wenxin is controlled by your Wen family, she dare not come out and talk nonsense, but her suitor..."

"Oh, suitor, someone will pursue her?"

Winnie looked disdainful, "You know, since she rolled down the stairs and hurt her face when she was 16 years old, no one has seen what she looks like! She must be disfigured! How can she be normal? More men will fall in love with her!"

In fact, Wenxin fell down the stairs back then because she pushed her~
Winnie recalled it without guilt.

So what if she hurt Wen Xin and disfigured her?She just doesn't like warmth!Why is Wen Xin able to get engaged to An Jingchen because they are all Miss Wen?

It's just that she didn't expect that the An family was so stubborn that they wanted to be superstitious about the horoscope, saying that Wen Xin's horoscope was more suitable for An Jingchen. Daughter-in-law!
Well, they won't cancel the engagement, she will grab it herself!

Not to mention her disfigurement, when she wasn't disfigured, how could a heartless nerd like Wen Xin compare to her!
When Wen Ni mentioned it, An Jingchen also recalled the only time he met Wen Xin when he became an adult...

When the engagement was announced, Wen Xin was still studying abroad. It was said that she was going to take a very important exam and cut off all contact with the outside world. The Wen family didn't discuss it with her, and made the decision directly.

After hearing that the exam was over, Wen Xin knew the news, and rushed to the airport directly, took the latest flight back, and less than half an hour after arriving home, she stumbled and fell down the stairs.

Must be over excited.

An Jingchen glanced at his own movie poster on the wall, and curled his lips proudly.

After all, being able to marry such an outstanding man like him is every woman's dream, how could Wen Xin not be excited?
After Wen Xin was injured in a fall, the family made more than 20 phone calls every day, urging him to visit Wen Xin. He excused that he was busy with filming, and delayed going to the hospital until Wen Xin could remove the gauze.

(End of this chapter)

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