my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 384 The Little White Rabbit Digging the Pit

Chapter 384 The Little White Rabbit Digging the Pit ([-])

"Carl Mosen, the young gang leader of the largest gang in New York, the Blue Wolf Gang..."

Lin Xinyue's eyes lit up when she heard about such a well-known man for the first time, "Does he like women?"

"He's been very interested in oriental faces recently, so I'm afraid of you..."

coward!Who cares whether he is afraid or not!

Lin Xinyue interrupted him impatiently, "Where does he usually go in and out of?"

Han Tian seemed very nervous for her, and immediately took out a business card from his pocket, "Are you going to New York? Then you must not go to this club. Master Mo Sen will come here every Wednesday night at [-] o'clock."

Lin Xinyue snatched away the business card, ha, what an idiot!She didn't even hear what she was going to do from the beginning to the end!
The time and place are now, she is just about to escape, now fly to the United States to try her luck!

Looking at the back of Lin Xinyue who couldn't wait to leave, Han Tian continued to eat the lollipop calmly, showing an obedient and harmless smile like a kindergarten kid who has just been rewarded with a little red flower...

Hiding in the dark under his command, he wept silently.

They have no chance to appear at all... (┬_┬) The skill of the boss pretending to be a little white rabbit to fool people is getting higher and higher.

Han Tian was done, and sent a text message to Guan Xingrui.

A certain uncle knew what happened to Lin Xinyue, so he calmly put away his phone, put his arms around his fiancée, and continued to sleep.

And woke up the next a different day.

Of course, there is a certain omnipotent uncle, and this change is not based on the original wish.

But the development of things is indeed different from what everyone expected.

Everyone thought that An Jingchen couldn't be more miserable. Even the entertainment reporters thought he was not newsworthy and didn't bother to pay any attention to him.

Except for a few reporters from local TV stations who remained in the hospital, the rest ran to the gate of Wen's house and waited for another key figure to come out warmly.

The source of Qi Xiuyuan's gossip is secret, and few people know about it.

Most entertainment reporters did not expect that Wenxin would go to the hospital to find out about An Jingchen, but Wenxin would always go home, right?She went home, so it's impossible to stay out all the time, right?

Just keep waiting, one day, I will see Wen Xin show up!
Entertainment journalists are ready for a protracted war...

As a result... Early the next morning, a female singer who was once popular, but is now completely out of date and has little attention, came to the hospital to visit An Jingchen with a well-dressed look.

But before she entered the door, she was stopped by an actress who had just been caught and raped by a certain director's wife, who was said to be banned from the circle by the famous director's wife.

The two quarreled in the hospital over the question of who should go to see An Jingchen first.

Immediately afterwards, there was the host who said something wrong during the live broadcast and was "on holiday" by the TV station, the starlet who debuted for many years but has never been famous, and the idol singer who has lost popularity after his comeback...

More and more people came to "visit" An Jingchen, and even the parking lot outside the nearby residential area was crowded with cars.

It seems that most of the stars in the circle who urgently need exposure to save their popularity have come to the hospital.

Because if you come to see An Jingchen, you can get a chance to be in the headlines...

For these small stars who are not popular enough, the chance to grab the headlines without causing a huge scandal, just running errands and smirking twice, is like falling from the sky.
An Jingchen became a popular figure for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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