my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 385 The Little White Rabbit Digging the Pit

Chapter 385 The Little White Rabbit Digging the Pit ([-])

These people are here to use An Jingchen to make headlines, no matter what they think in their hearts, on the surface they definitely won't say how much they despise him and think he deserves it.

So a group of people all said that they were An Jingchen's die-hard movie fans, and said that no matter what, as an actor, An Jingchen's performance was impeccable and would always be worthy of respect from others.
Even for the sake of the headlines, there is no lower limit, saying that An Jingchen is one of the greatest actors of this era.

The whole morning seemed to be overwhelming, and all the entertainment headlines in the media were these.

Even Director Ye, who doesn't care about gossip, also heard a lot of mentions on the set.

Director Ye really likes movies, and he can't stand someone tarnishing his favorite art. He flipped through the news on the Internet and saw those people putting gold on the face of a bitch like An Jingchen. An Jingchen also took the opportunity to shamelessly Self-promotion and trying to restore his image, the more he looked at it, the more he became angry.

It was lunch break, Director Ye looked at it, slammed the table, and walked out of the studio aggressively.

He's going to the hospital to scold that bitch An right now!

Everyone was about to get in the car, but Director Ye felt something was wrong again.

Cursing people can't solve the problem, and if he really scolds him in front of the media, maybe Bitch An will take the opportunity to hype up again, saying that the seniors in the film industry are worried that he, the "greatest actor", will perform too well and will snatch him sooner or later. Senior's limelight, take the opportunity to suppress him!
He has seen many tricks of turning black and white in this circle!

Ye Daoqi hummed, his eyes swept half a circle around the set, and he waved to Yuan Yuan, "Yuan Yuan, I'll let you take an hour off, you go to the hospital to see bitch Ann!"

The hospital An Jingchen lives in is only seven or eight minutes' drive away from the film and television city, an hour is definitely an underestimation of the original wish...

He is confident that after the original wish is gone, he will be able to end the "battle" within 5 minutes.
It's a pity that Yuan Yuan was completely unmoved, and continued to eat the lunch brought by her foster husband without raising her head, "I won't go."

She hated seeing that An Jingchen.

"You're gone..." Director Ye was in the middle of speaking, when he realized with great gloom that he had no words...

With his status in the circle, if he just said a word, he would give him some benefits, and the Uranus superstar would immediately do what he said!

In fact, there is no benefit, unless the emotional intelligence is too low, otherwise no actor is willing to offend a famous director.

But when it comes to Yuanyuan... Yuanyuan can't deliberately please him, let alone the so-called temptation of interests... Yuanyuan should not care at all...

Director Ye was confused, looked at Qi Xiuyuan helplessly, and asked in a low voice, "What should I say?"

Qi Xiuyuan twitched the corner of his mouth, "What does Ye Dao want Yuanyuan to do?"

Dao Ye waved his hand and said boldly, "There is no specific request, as long as she goes to see An Jingchen, I believe her!"

Qi Xiuyuan: "..." Do you believe that the original wish can kill An Jingchen...
Director Ye, is it really okay for you to treat Yuanyuan like a biochemical weapon like this...

Qi Xiuyuan wiped his face silently, and told Director Ye, "Tell her, starting tomorrow, we will shoot her scenes together, and she can call it a day and go back to play with her fiancé..."

That's all right?Ye Dao dubiously promised the original wish.

"Goodbye!" Without further ado, Yuan Yuan picked up a few mouthfuls of his caring lunch and walked towards the car while eating, ready to "visit" An Jingchen in the hospital.

Director Ye: "..."

He seems to have more confidence in his original wish!
(End of this chapter)

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