my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 427 Unexpected black belly

Chapter 427 Unexpected Black Belly (1) (plus [-])

When Wen Xin left, she didn't tell them that An Jingchen had been kicked downstairs by her and was now in a coma.

Of course, even if she said so, the bodyguards would not bring An Jingchen up...

An Jingchen lay like this on the icy marble floor in winter for more than an hour. When he woke up, he was basically unable to move his whole body...

After finally calling for help, when his assistant brought people to arrive, he was carried out of the hotel with his limbs stiff, and was photographed by Yuji as he deserved.

As a result, the news that the former popular king An Jingchen was beaten and disabled immediately appeared on the Internet...

Netizens said one after another that it was really... very satisfying.

An Jingchen lay on the hospital bed, watched the applause on the Internet, and comforted himself that in a few days, the situation would definitely change.

Since Wen Xin had been with Fourth Young Master for a long time, and Fourth Young Master also told the media personally that Wen Xin had never married into An's family, then he did not have the problem of cheating.

As long as he plans well now, he will definitely be able to reshape his image of a good man!
It was for this purpose that he went to Wenxin yesterday.

Of course, I also want to see you again...

Recalling the warm beauty, An Jingchen couldn't help but began to regret again.

Wenxin's kick was too sudden yesterday...

An Jingchen didn't react at all, and afterwards he didn't believe that Wen Wenjing, who looked very delicate and quiet, would kick him downstairs...

He thought that something happened that he didn't remember, and he was even overly optimistic that it was a good excuse. He could pretend to ask Wenxin what happened last night and call Wenxin...

As for Yuanyuan, she didn't care what An Jingchen was thinking.

Because she has to take a day off to go back to city A, she has to be late to finish work these days, and get out of the drama of the day she was delayed.

When I was in school, the class held a party every year. According to the usual practice, there will be such a banquet every year in summer to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new.

But unlike in school, Xia Tian's main purpose is to give the company's newcomers a chance to show their faces.

Because the company's big names gathered at the banquet, entertainment journalists would definitely come to interview, and the already popular seniors were responsible for leading the newcomers around, giving them more opportunities to be photographed.

Yuan Yuan is now the No. [-] person in Xia Tian. She must attend such an occasion, and she has been assigned a lot of tasks.

As the date of the party approached, Qi Xiuyuan looked at the official notification email sent by the company, and silently covered his chest, "This year's a masquerade party, and the special cold weather."

...So Han Tian will appear as a rabbit!

What should I do if I suddenly don't want to go...(┬_┬)
I am very afraid that when I get excited, I will pull Han Tian's ears... that will affect the image too much!
The rest of the crew didn't seem to have such concerns. When they heard about Xia Tian's arrangements for this year, they all turned into red-eyed bunnies with envy and hatred.

See how cute it is in the cold weather!Ask for an invitation!

It is said to be a masquerade party, but with Yuji present, the stars will pay attention to their image, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of people dressed as xx princess xx prince...

The bodyguards are maverick and ready to dress up as... Smurfs.

"We painted our faces blue, don't we really look like Avatar?" Bodyguard B asked his companions in confusion.

The other bodyguards, this unsightly bastard, beat him to the ground, and then went to Han Tian with the clothes he needed for the transformation, and wanted to ask him how his preparations were going and if he needed their help.

half an hour later
(End of this chapter)

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