my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 428 Unexpected black belly

Chapter 428 Unexpected Black Belly (2) (Addition [-])

... Well, these are all excuses, in fact, they went to Han Tian because they wanted to say something!

That is--

Let's go play cute together!

...(┬_┬) I really want to cry, they seem to be getting more and more...

Amidst the entanglement of the bodyguards' convulsions, the day for the summer dinner has arrived.

During Christmas, there are promotional activities of major businesses, and some shopping malls will invite celebrities to their platforms, not to mention during the New Year’s Eve, they are busy participating in the New Year’s Eve parties of various channels, and some celebrities can only sleep on the plane when they are so busy.

So avoid the busiest days at the end of the year, the summer banquet is scheduled for mid-December.

They finally returned to City A again, and Dai Yong found an opportunity to show off and drove to pick them up in person.

Moreover, he felt that the specifications of his car were not enough, so he specially borrowed the company's extended Rolls-Royce specially used to pick up and drop off VIPs.

As for the bodyguards, Dai Yong didn't dare to neglect, and found a few Hummers for them to ride.

The eldest son of the local snake family in City A, coupled with such a flamboyant fleet of luxury cars, this treatment is not something everyone can enjoy.

Lu Xinwei is also from Xia Tian, ​​and she came back on the same plane as Yuan Yuan. When she saw the battle, her expression became ugly, and she sneered, "Mr. inside."

Dai Yong laughed, "Don't dare, the Lu family is powerful, of course I know, so Mr. Lu said that you are still in the probationary period and asked me not to get used to your problems. I have to listen to this!"


Even passers-by entering and leaving the airport couldn't help laughing.

Lu Xinwei was robbed so pale that her face turned blue. Where there were people coming and going, she was worried about her image, so she had to walk away with a stiff face.

Han Tian was forgotten by her like this...

Sitting in a wheelchair is not convenient for chasing people, Han Tian slightly lowered his eyes, raised his head after a while, blinked his eyes uncomfortably, and asked Dai Yong, "I only have lollipops...can be used as fare for you to give me?" Shall I go back to the city?"

"……"What?Shouldn’t bunnies only have carrots?!
Dai Yong was also dazed...

They are all going to participate in summer banquets, and everyone has the same destination, so of course they have to take part in the cold weather.

On the way, the bodyguards were still thinking that they were already used to the image of Han Tian's little white rabbit, so they wouldn't be too surprised when he changed his costume later, and they could continue to pretend to be their Smurf calmly. ←_←

The original wish was the highlight of tonight, whether she wanted it or not, as soon as she arrived at the hotel, she was dragged into styling.

Qi Xiuyuan, Yi Rongguo's Guan Xingrui, and twenty bodyguards all accompanied her in the dressing room. The ten bodyguards who followed Guan Xingrui usually changed their clothes and went to the banquet hall.

Then they saw Han Tian...

Han Tian did disguise herself as a little white rabbit, but the two white fluffy rabbit ears were drooping, like a little doormat, which made her even more obedient and obedient.

The corners of the bodyguards' mouths twitched, "Why?" Why can he be more cute than they thought...

Han Tian was wearing a white fluffy rabbit suit, and was a little nervous when they asked him, his fair face showed a slight trace of pink, "These two ears need to be charged to stand up, I forgot to charge..."

While talking, the battery drained a little more, and the two long ears drooped even more.

More and more like a frustrated little rabbit who made a mistake...

The bodyguards were about to cry.

If this continues, they will soon join the Little Rabbit Protection Association...

Add two more chapters
(End of this chapter)

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