my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 462 Unbelievable, You Can’t Find Someone

Chapter 462 Unbelievable You Can’t Find Someone ([-])

...You are a big wonder!There are so many pick and choose requirements for the rival in love!
Qi Xiuyuan hangs up the phone in a breakdown, feeling that he really wants to communicate with beautiful man Chu now...

But he picked up the phone again, and it was his little assistant's number that was automatically dialed out.

...It's shutting down again!
He couldn't believe he couldn't find anyone.

Just like a few days ago, text messages, WeChat, QQ messages, home phone recordings, emails...all the contact information that can be found, have been sent again.

He asked the young master of the Wen family, and the young master said that he also drank too much that night and couldn't remember what happened, so he couldn't help him.

But the sudden disappearance of the little assistant shows that she must be right that night!

...But why did the little assistant run away...

Could it be that he drank too much that night and became wild...forcing the little assistant.

Because when he woke up that morning, the people around him were obviously startled, and their first reaction was to punch him.

Every time Qi Xiuyuan thought of this possibility, he felt cold sweat all over his body.

He won't... Really ruin the little girl, right?
Qi Xiuyuan's private life has always been very clean, because of the special nature of his work, there may be unexpected situations at any time, he will not drink too much when he goes out to socialize.

So even he himself didn't know what he looked like when he was drunk.

After thinking for a long time, he simply knocked on the door of Yuan Yuan's room and found the bodyguards.

"I...cough, I'll buy you a drink, and see what I'll do when I'm drunk."

The bodyguards immediately understood what he wanted to do, and almost laughed out of embarrassment.

Brother Qi, you are really honest!Even if he was drunk, he would definitely not mess around.

You don't believe in yourself, we all believe in you!

But looking at the masked girl, she doesn't look like a messy person...

So what happened that night...

The second-most bodyguard B was sent out to buy wine, and the others who were not so second-rate were left behind to make clichés.

"Brother Qi, I heard that you never get drunk, so why did you drink so much that night?"

"I'm glad... I get along very well with the young master of the Wen family."

The bodyguards' eyes were shining brightly, "What do you say?"

"No one else in his family is interested in this business. He will take over the family's entertainment company in the future. We were talking about it that day. I found that many of his ideas are exactly the same as mine, and we have a common language."

It must be the same!He... Oh no, it should be her, most likely your little assistant, the apprentice you brought out!
The bodyguards looked at the sky silently.

They feel... Brother Qi's ability to work is beyond doubt, but when it comes to looking at women... he is simply a fish king.

Has been raising fish and has never been surpassed...

Don't Brother Qi feel suspicious?

The height of the young master of the Wen family is around 168.

The average height in City A is relatively tall. Boys of this height are considered short, but not too rare.

But Wen Xin and Winnie who have appeared in the Wen family... They are also about 168 tall, and they are relatively tall among girls. It seems that the Wen family has good genes.

How did you get a genetic mutation when you came to the young master?

And it's such a coincidence that the masked girl's height is about the same as Wen Xin's and the others...

If the young master of the Wen family is not a young master, but a young lady... then everything is easy to explain.

Everyone doesn't usually drink much, and the amount of alcohol is average. Bodyguard B bought beer.

(End of this chapter)

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