my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 463 Unbelievable, You Can’t Find Someone

Chapter 463 Unbelievable, No One Can Be Found ([-])

The bodyguards each took a can silently, pulled the pull ring, and toasted solemnly, "For a good harvest."

"... What's the good harvest?" Qi Xiuyuan was about to clink glasses with them, so he couldn't help being stunned.

"The fish in your head."

Qi Xiuyuan: "..."

More than half an hour later, Qi Xiuyuan counted the empty beer cans, took the head of fish... fell asleep deeply and melancholy.

The bodyguards looked at the sky, look, they just said it?
An honest person like Brother Qi won't mess around if he drinks too much.

However, in order to live up to Qi Xiuyuan's entrustment, the bodyguards did not carry him back to the next room, but let him sleep on the sofa nearby, so that they could continue to observe at night...

When Qi Xiuyuan came over, he had already changed into loose home clothes, and it was fine to sleep in them.

"Come, come, set Brother Qi up." The bodyguards stretched out and carried Qi Xiuyuan to the couch to lie down.

Then... Qi Xiuyuan, who had already fallen asleep, turned over, touched the little toy dog ​​doll on the sofa with his hand, and hugged him immediately.

Bodyguards: "..."

They seem to know something...

Discovering the big situation, Bodyguard B happily wanted to call Yuan Yuan and Guan Xingrui to watch, but...

As soon as Xiaomi came out after changing into pajamas, he got tangled up when he saw this.

That's its doll!
Before Heheng came out and would not see, Xiaomi ran over in two steps, trying to snatch back his favorite little toy dog.

The little girl Xiaomi is still very ladylike... Stretching out her paws to scratch, Qi Xiuyuan felt the thing in his arms move, so he patted it comfortingly.

He probably felt that the touch of the shot was not right, and the next second, he began to pick off the clothes of the little toy dog ​​in his arms.

This time the little girl Xiaomi was completely angry.

Being deeply influenced by Hem, now the little girl thinks that clothes are very important to dogs...

The little girl rushed over and bravely rescued her little playmate from the "rogue".

A certain "hooligan" was still in a coma after being drunk, when he felt a fluffy thing in his hand, he immediately hugged it without hesitation.

... Then I found some clothes and continued to pick them up.

The bodyguards were shocked...

Little girl Xiaomi: "..." Hooligans!

Xiaomi kept struggling, and Qi Xiuyuan patted it, saying vaguely, "Be obedient, Bubble."

After Lei Guo petrified, the bodyguards rushed to rescue Xiaomi, but the door of the bedroom opened at this moment!

Hehe came out after changing into pajamas...

Shocked, the bodyguards instantly felt a sense of tension like a decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City...

Heng Heng saw the situation clearly, without saying a word, with a strong figure, he rushed over, slapped Qi Xiuyuan's hand away with his paw, and then...

There's no after that.

Xiaomi escaped from the wolf's claws, and immediately hid in the den with his little toy dog ​​in his mouth, even hiding his tail properly.

It took a long time before he dared to reveal a small black eye, looking defensively at Qi Xiuyuan who was lying on the sofa.

And hum... after patting that paw, it didn't move.

Even though the action of jumping over was so ferocious, it is very calm now... At least the uncle looked at Qi Xiuyuan with a very calm expression, and had no intention of beating him up at all.

Qi Xiuyuan was slapped with that paw, and he seemed to be waking up. His eyelids moved, and he turned over several times in a row. After several minutes, he seemed to fall back into a deep sleep, and his breathing gradually stabilized.

(End of this chapter)

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