my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 490 The Legendary Henpeck

Chapter 490 The Legendary Henpeck ([-])

"Xiaoyuan." Sui Yi simply nodded his head as a greeting, but his eyes remained fixed on the computer screen without shifting at all, and his fingers moved quickly on the keyboard.
This reaction surprised the bodyguards who had just finished their morning exercise.

When did Sui Yi become so interested in computers?He's bored again, ready to learn a new skill?
Yuan Yuan was also very puzzled, and asked himself Tong Yangfu in a low voice, "What is Brother Ding busy with?" It seemed that there was no time to talk?
"Play games." Sui Yi's hearing was very good, and he calmly reported the answer.

Everyone: "..."

Even a certain Tong foster husband couldn't accept this answer.

A large group of people moved silently, stood behind him, and watched the picture on the computer screen.

They don't play games, they just think that the antique background picture is very beautiful, as for the various gorgeous and dazzling special effects when the characters pk... they don't understand.

After watching for a while, their minds became distracted, and everyone's eyes turned back to Sui Yi.

Sui Yi's hands are very beautiful, with fair and slender fingers, even the joints are like carefully polished jade, every line is just right, it looks like a work of art.

It's just that such a hand seems to be more suitable for fighting swords or playing chess... In short, do something that the ancients would do.

Playing online games... It really doesn't match Sui Yi's temperament...

The more everyone looked at it, the more awkward it became. Bodyguard A asked him confusedly, "Why do you suddenly want to play online games?"

Sui Yi finally finished today's daily tasks, stopped his hands, and looked out of the window calmly, "Because the characters in the game are divided into men and women."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone shuddered, and Bodyguard B said in a trembling voice, "Have you heard... We are also divided into men and women." Even Heng Heng and Xiaomi are divided into male and female! o(>﹏<)o
"But I have no separation from my male fiancee." Sui Yi's voice was detached.

Everyone: "..."

"We discussed for a long time, and finally decided to play an online game together. I play the male account, and Tan Xin plays the female account, so that we can adapt to each other's gender."

Everyone continued: "..."

Apart from these six dots, they don't know what to say anymore...

When the eyes fell on the computer screen again, everyone's eyes became extremely complicated...

The dress style in the picture is distinct. At first glance, one is a man and the other is a woman (←_←) two little people, really shouldering a heavy responsibility...

After watching it for a long time, Bodyguard A was full of sympathy, wanting to break the tragic atmosphere.

So he tried his best to find a new topic, and asked Sui Yi, "Your role in the game is... the accountant?"

"No, it's a knight."

"Then why is there an abacus behind you?"

Sui Yi's gaze turned out of the window again, "When Tan Xin and I got married in the game, we received a couple gift package. This abacus is one of the... henpeck props."

"..." The tragic atmosphere seems to be getting stronger...

Sui Yi's voice was still calm, "The item can only be used once, but when I used it for the first time, I won the grand prize of 'one thousand more'."


Sui Yi smiled detachedly, clicked on the backpack of the game character, found the henpeck props, clicked to use...

In the game, the handsome and unrestrained knight in white immediately threw the abacus behind him on the ground, knelt down pia on the abacus, and cried out with his ears, "Lady, I was wrong—"

(End of this chapter)

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