my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 491 The Legendary Henpeck

Chapter 491 The Legendary Henpeck ([-])

Everyone: "..." What kind of fate is this! (┬_┬)
I really want to cry for Sui Yi...

Everyone looked at the sky in silence for a while, and collectively decided to go out early and go out for breakfast.

Otherwise, they would stay in the room, looking at Sui Yi's computer where tragedy was happening... tears were about to fall.

A group of people silently put on their warm coats, Guan Xingrui also put on a disguise mask in the style of a top spy_, and went downstairs.

It was still early, and the other actors of the crew should still be in the room.

They went to the nearby breakfast shop to finish their food, and when they came back, they should be able to catch up with Lei Yu and the others going downstairs.
A certain Tong foster husband has always been responsible, and he will definitely do what he promises.

So even though he was struggling, he didn't forget the threat Fu Ran's fans made to Lei Yu last night.


The elevator stopped on the first floor, and they had just stepped out when they saw the bustle in the hotel lobby.

Almost all the actors in the crew are here, and there are many staff members of the crew, and everyone is walking out of the hotel.

"Hey, original wish?"

The costumer girl from the crew knew Yuan Yuan very well, so she immediately greeted her and ran over, "Are you afraid of getting into trouble?"

"What trouble?" Yuan Yuan was at a loss.

"Don't you know? Fu Ran's fans said yesterday that they want to teach Lei Yu a lesson."

The dressmaker girl lowered her voice and reminded her in a low voice, "Everyone is afraid that Fu Ran's fans are serious, so go out early, and if you want to avoid them, you should go too."
Not to mention ordinary actors who don't like to cause trouble and a group of innocent behind-the-scenes staff, even Lu Xinwei is a rare group today, and like everyone else, she went downstairs so early.

In the lobby of the hotel, the atmosphere was a bit tense, everyone hurried out, fearing that they would suffer disaster if they encountered someone throwing dung.

Er Jing lowered his voice, "At one o'clock, next to the black Ford."

Er Jing was just reminding his companions, not reporting to Guan Xingrui.

Because everyone knows that their boss's vigilance is much higher than theirs, so there is no need to report it... He must have discovered it long ago.

Beside the black Ford stood a man of medium build wearing a short dark blue down jacket.

He put one hand halfway on the roof of the car, as if waiting for someone, and looked at his watch impatiently.

On this busy winter morning, he looked unremarkable.

It's just...that standing posture looks fine at first glance, but upon careful observation, it always feels a little unnatural, as if ready to run at any time.

"Xinxin, come behind me." Guan Xingrui ordered.

"Oh." Yuanyuan immediately changed positions calmly, without asking what happened.

The door of the hotel is a revolving door, no matter how anxious everyone is, they can only go out slowly in batches.

Lu Xinwei didn't know if it was intentional, she took a step behind, and stood with Yuan Yuan and the others, but she seemed to only see Guan Xingrui, "Good morning, Mr. Guan."

This greeting, the voice is so flattering that water drips out. Most men may feel that their bones are about to crumble after hearing this.

The eyes of the bodyguards who followed Yuanyuan immediately lit up, looking straight at Lu Xinwei as if they had discovered some treasure.

The corners of Lu Xinwei's lips were raised proudly, and she glanced at Yuan Yuan with a proud face.

So what if you have more bodyguards around you?I just tease them a little bit, and they can all obey me obediently!
(End of this chapter)

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