my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 492 The Legendary Henpeck

Chapter 492 The Legendary Henpeck ([-])

Bodyguard A said excitedly, "I almost forgot, brother Qi said last night that the one who stole the phone was in the restaurant and was poured a glass of red wine!"

"Yeah, you still call her a shameless mistress!"

"It's great to watch her liveliness again!"

The bodyguards were all excited, looking at Lu Xinwei's eyes, they were really bright... I just love to watch sluts make a fool of themselves~
Lu Xinwei's smug expression froze at the corners of her lips, her face was turning green, she glared at them viciously, stepped on ten centimeter high heels, and walked away crackling.

... It seems to be walking too fast, the footsteps are hurried, and the speed is a bit suspicious.

And just as Lu Xinwei walked away, the man leaning against the black Ford suddenly moved!
The man was still waving at the door of the hotel in a dignified manner, as if he had finally found his friend, and hurried towards the door.

This action is too common. Leaving the hotel, if you are going to the airport to go to the train station after checking out, you will definitely have a big bag in your hand.

Those who were waiting outside the hotel to see their friends off would run over to help pick up their luggage.

At least the other actors nearby didn't find anything suspicious.

When they were three steps away from Yuan Yuan, the man suddenly opened the down jacket, tore off a package hidden in the clothes, and shouted at Yuan Yuan, "Lei Yu, I let you kill Fu Ran! "

From such a distance, you can smell the stench of that package!
And the direction in which he raised his hand was obviously aiming to hit the original wish!

...Fuck, open your eyes and talk nonsense!Among them, there is no one like Lei Yu!
No mask, no scarf, no hat, how can you admit it!
It seems that someone is fishing in troubled waters, trying to pretend to be a fan of Fu Ran, pretending to take revenge on Lei Yu, and misjudged the person, but in fact, they just want to take... throw sister-in-law!

Was it Lu Xinwei's instigation?Normally, even if she was mad, she would not walk as if she wanted to run away regardless of her image.

The suspicious behavior just now is probably her!
The bodyguards cursed in their hearts, and the actors and staff nearby also exclaimed.

The scene suddenly fell into chaos.

Only Yuanyuan instantly entered sculpture mode and remained motionless.

It's not that I was scared, but I kept in mind my foster husband's advice, never move in case of danger...

A certain uncle was also very calm, a white thing the size of a fingernail popped out from his left hand under the sleeve of his coat.

The small thing hit the man's right shoulder joint hard, and a piercing pain spread instantly, and the man's entire right arm seemed to be numb from the pain.

The hand was also swayed by that force, and the direction to throw things was swayed...

The people nearby seemed to be able to hear the sound of the package hitting Lu Xinwei's head and exploding...

Lu Xinwei was full of complacency, huh, anyway, she had already arranged for Yu Ji to stay on guard, and was able to take pictures of the whole process of her original wish being splashed with feces!

At that time, she can watch the video as many times as she wants, so why should she be suffocated to death here!
Lu Xinwei walked in a hurry, wanting to go far away quickly, just like that...was end...shi...

Everyone is petrified.

Then everyone... silently pinched their noses.

And felt that it wasn't enough... He silently pulled off his collar, buried his eyes in the clothes, trying to block the terrible smell...
A second later—

"Ah—" Lu Xinwei screamed.

"Don't bark!" A well-meaning passer-by reminded, " will fall into your mouth!"

The person who reminded is really kind...

This reminder is also very necessary...

It's just... this is too long to say, and it's too late...

(End of this chapter)

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