my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 494 The Confident Uncle

Chapter 494 The Confident Uncle (3)

Leaning against the doorway, she looked at Yuan Yuan with a half-smile, her slightly raised eyes gave her whole face a hint of enchantment.

The costume designer has stayed in many crews and seen all kinds of strange things, so he is well-informed.

This woman has bad intentions at first sight!
The dressmaker girl looked at Yuan Yuan worriedly.

The original wish, but it seemed that this person didn't care too much.

Take a look at the time... Ah, it's almost too late.

The dressmaker girl didn't move, Yuan Yuan ran to close the door by herself.

The woman didn't seem to want to stop her, and she still had that half-smile on her face, which made people look a little nervous.

Because I wanted to change clothes, the other bodyguards did not stand too close, and now there is only Erjing at the door.

This woman... is very calm, not a small role.

It should be her who sat in the driver's seat of the Cayenne just now.

Er Jing glanced at his companions in the distance, reminding everyone to pay attention.

But no one stopped, Yuanyuan's hand stopped by itself.

Yuan Yuan moved his nose slightly, then turned his head suddenly, and asked the woman with great interest, "Can I ask what brand your perfume is?"

Very light and fresh, Erer must like it~
Er Er doesn't use cologne, but if she asks for the brand, she can look for it, if there is any body wash with this fragrance.

"No," the woman chuckled flauntingly, "because this is the perfume my man gave me, and it's his favorite scent."

"Oh." Yuan Yuan didn't mind either.

Then don’t ask me~ It’s probably a possessive man who doesn’t like other people to use the same perfume as his wife~
But this lady's husband has a taste very similar to Er Er's.

Yuan Yuan didn't think much at all, closed the door, quickly changed her clothes, and went to find someone to make up and comb her hair.

When she finally finished the look in the play and came out of the dressing room——

"Get out!" Ye Dao roared very violently, "If you want to be cheap, you go out and sell it, don't come to dirty my place!"

Seeing Yuanyuan coming out, Director Ye pointed at the woman in front of him again, and started yelling at Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan! Come here! One minute, twenty slaps, let's start!"

With a turn of the hand, he directed the assistant director of the crew, "Record it and put it on the Internet!"

md, for the sake of beautiful men, anyone dares to come to his crew to make trouble!
One Lu Xinwei was enough for him. If it wasn't for the role of Liusu, he couldn't find an actor who made him more satisfied. He would have kicked Lu Xinwei out of the crew long ago!

Another one came today!
She even boasted that she was Guan Xingrui's woman, and today she came to talk to Yuan Yuan!

What if the mistress is too cheap?Just a good beat!

Just let Yuan Yuan slap her twenty times in a row, record it and put it on the Internet, to see who dares to miss her fiancé in the future!

Director Ye was completely irritable...

Ye Dao is actually very handsome, and he is a real handsome man with connotation and background, and an absolute temperament.

It's just that when the temper comes up, there is an aura of the old black mountain demon wanting to eat people... →_→
Everyone in the crew was yelled at so much that they wanted to crouch on the ground with their heads in their arms...

The one standing in front of him was naturally the woman in the rose red dress who was looking at Yuanyuan outside the dressing room.

Being so close to Dao Ye, the breath of "I'm going to eat people" should be stronger.

But that woman didn't show a trace of panic on her face, and she even smiled with a look of victory.

"Director Ye, don't rush to get angry. I know that you all think that Xingrui and Yuanyuan have a good relationship, and you think I'm lying shamelessly."

(End of this chapter)

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