my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 495 The Confident Uncle

Chapter 495 The Confident Uncle (4)

"But... it's only a few minutes, Director Ye, why don't you take a look at the evidence I brought?"

The woman glanced at Yuanyuan and smiled meaningfully, "When I show the evidence, if you still don't believe me, I'm willing to slap myself thirty times!"

Surprised exclamations sounded from the crew.

So confident?!
This woman doesn't think she's a fool even if she looks left and right, maybe she really has any evidence in her hand!

Lu Xinwei was hit on the head this morning... Shi, Yu Ji is now squatting at the hotel entrance, waiting for her to take a shower and clean up, and interview her as soon as possible...

So today is very rare, there is no entertainment reporter outside the crew.

But this situation still made Lei Yu very worried, and said to his manager in a low voice, "Let's watch separately, so don't let anyone secretly record it and post it on the Internet..."

Although Ye Dao's crew, no one should mess around.

But the stakes are high, so be careful.

Although they were always worried that Lei Yu would fall in love with Yuan Yuan, they had received a lot of help from Yuan Yuan and his group, and they owed Yuan Yuan a lot of favors.

Besides, Director Ye said at the time that Lei Yu was chosen as the male lead in this movie because of Lei Yu's appearance, which seems to be more compatible with Yuan Yuan, the heroine.

Lei Yu's manager is a person who knows how to repay him, so of course he won't stand on the sidelines now, and immediately agrees.

Hey... where did Han Tian go?
I didn't seem to see him appearing today, otherwise Han Tian would be there, and there would be an extra helper to help them keep an eye on them.

That rabbit seems to really care about the original wish.

Director Ye didn't take that woman's words to heart at all.

He has seen a lot of Xiaosan's messy methods.

Back then, there was a woman he had never seen before, who came to him with a full stomach and said she was his child!
Director Ye waved his hand impatiently, signaling to the woman to get any evidence as soon as possible, "Hurry up, I'll wait to see you get beaten!"

Everyone at the scene: "..."

Yuan Yuan ran over in a tangled state and asked Ye Dao, "Don't you need to fight?"

"No need!" Didn't this woman say that if the evidence is not established, she will smoke herself?
Then there is no need to do it with the original wish!

"Great!" Yuan Yuan cheered.

Director Ye looked at her with raised eyebrows, "Why are you happy if you don't hit her?"

This kind of woman who wants to steal her husband, beat her up, how enjoyable it is!
"You asked me to slap twenty times in one minute~ The down jacket is too thick, I can't move my arms so fast in it, and it's too cold to take it off." Yuan Yuan explained in a good mood.

"..." The point!Now the point is whether it is cold or not!

Director Ye frowned silently.

The woman in the rose red dress obviously came prepared, and even brought a professional-grade projector!
When Yuan Yuan was talking to Director Ye, she connected the projector to the car power supply, smiled at Yuan Yuan, "Actually... I just want to show you some photos."

At the same time as the voice fell, a very clear picture lit up on the curtain behind her, as if the picture was right in front of her eyes... a photo on the bed.

And the protagonist of the photo is Guan Xingrui!
The bodyguards were startled, their eyes were instantly dangerous and murderous.

This photo can't be real, the boss will never appear on another woman's bed_!
But what they care about the most is that even if this is a ps, the original picture must be available. How could this woman have a photo of the boss!Has this photo been circulated?! Will it be seen by someone?!
(End of this chapter)

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