my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 526 Black-bellied people have their own methods

Chapter 526 Black-bellied people have their own methods (4)

As before, I wish to refresh everyone's understanding of the speed of popularity...

The second one is the owner of a certain casino in Las Vegas, a certain American who can enjoy both black and white... old man, a big inventory of love history.

This person's name is a bit unfamiliar to most Chinese people, so most people only remember him as a very rich, super rich American old man.

The American old man lived a life of luxury and luxury, and the old man was flirtatious. In order to take stock of the women who stayed with him for more than a month, the page of the newspaper seemed a bit crowded...

And this news made domestic netizens so concerned, the reason was—among all his women, the one who stayed the longest and was the one he loved the most, they knew each other!
It turned out to be Zhu Xin!
Not to mention ordinary netizens, even the bodyguards were shocked by this news.

"I can't tell, this pig heart is really good at dealing with men." Bodyguard A was surprised.

"If she keeps playing with the boss, then we will never see it~" Er Jing saw blood for a while.

Because no matter whether you have one hand or not, it will not have any effect when you come to the boss. The boss has only one sister-in-law in his heart~
"In the eyes of the boss, Zhu Xin's status is probably not as good as a real pig's heart..."

At least pig heart is edible!
After the bodyguards finished watching the discussion, the matter is over, but for the netizens, this third piece of news is what shocked them the most and made them want to gossip—

The news related to Zhu Xin squeezed away the original wish and grabbed the headlines!

Originally wished that since the first battle with Lan Xiaoxiao, after the "you have a hole in your head" long as she has news, it must be the headline. This is the first time that something unexpected happened.

There is someone who can get more attention than the original wish!

Zhu Xin must be popular!

In the next two days, the speculation of netizens became a fact very strangely.

Not to mention domestic affairs, in just two days, Zhu Xin was hailed as an oriental goddess by foreign netizens!
Although some people questioned it, it seemed that there was a team behind the scenes helping Zhu Xin to hype, but this wave of reasonable doubts was instantly drowned out by overwhelming praise.

Many foreign netizens said that Zhu Xin fulfilled all their fantasies about oriental women...

These words disgusted the bodyguards, and they complained to Guan Xingrui one after another, "Boss, do you want to continue?"

Conscience is disturbed for dragging down the image of domestic female compatriots so much!
That's right, Zhu Xin's rapid popularity is indeed due to the "behind the scenes team" helping to hype it up, and that behind the scenes team is them...

As for why the boss asked them to do this...the answer will be revealed soon.

But... There are so many good girls in the country, but they are represented by a pig heart who is dedicated to being a mistress. They really have a disturbed conscience...

A certain uncle looked at them calmly, "What's the hurry, they will forget about the chicken heart immediately."

"...Boss, it's pig heart." Bodyguard B corrected him with tears in his eyes.

The others looked at Bodyguard B with a stern look——

You are finished, you are really still have the mind to pay attention to what kind of mind it is!You must be out of order!

Didn't you notice that Boss is... undressing?

And even though he was just unbuttoning his shirt, why is this action so charming, it looks so blushing, so... makes people want to cry!
By the way, boss, why did you take off your clothes in front of us... (┬_┬)
(End of this chapter)

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