my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 527 Roses and Gifts

Chapter 527 Roses and Gifts (1)

Could it be that you have developed a new way of undressing and want to show it to us!
Can you refuse... We are all such good boys with integrity...

But a certain uncle took off his clothes in his own way, calmly and calmly...

That shirt was taken off by him... Let people see it, wishing they could take off all his clothes. ←_←

After taking off, uncle, his upper body was bare, revealing his strong, strong and not exaggerated chest and abdominal muscles, which made people drool. He moved his wrist calmly, and raised his exquisite chin slightly to the original wish, "Xinxin."

"Oh." Yuan Yuan was holding a tablet to watch a movie, when he heard this, he ran over without raising his head.

Then... a certain uncle started doing push-ups.


And the original wish is still sitting on his back, to help him increase the burden...

The bodyguards looked at the sky melancholy, Qi Xiuyuan shook his head sadly... just a little more shaking, the water in his head really can't be shaken out! (┬_┬)
What kind of physical strength is this...

Why did he meet such a non-human being... Why!
Their reaction was so strong, but Yuanyuan watched the movie with full concentration. It seemed that they were not at all surprised by his Tong Yangfu's strong physical strength.

That's all...

The bodyguards already knew how powerful their boss is, and what they are worried about now is... When the boss moves, the tense and undulating muscles are really... (ˉ﹃ˉ) It's too provocative to commit a crime!

Boss, what a ruthless lure this is!

Why didn't sister-in-law respond at all?

This question really damaged the masculine charm of the boss, so the bodyguards had to look at them several times, and they all left with a confused look on their faces.

Yuan Yuan happened to have just watched a movie, and while choosing the next one, she curiously asked Tong Yangfu, "Two two, they seemed to have something on their minds just now?"

"Well, they are curious why you don't look at me." A certain uncle said very calmly.

And while talking, he continued to do push-ups, but his breathing was absolutely steady. Just listening to the voice, he would never have guessed how overloaded he was doing right now.

Yuan Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but look at the time, "It's only past eight o'clock in the evening, I'm watching Er Er now, don't I want to drag Er Er to have sex right now?"

"Indeed~~~" Someone's voice was rippling.

Yuan Yuan calmly said that there was no moral problem, and he was still out of the situation, "Or are they used to going to bed so early?"

"Well, because they are too old, sleep more to replenish their brains." A certain Tong's foster husband didn't correct her, and even cheated her unceremoniously.

"Oh..." Yuan Yuan suddenly realized.

Waiting for the two to end looks very evil_and very arousing imagination, but the person involved thinks it is just an ordinary exercise...

As soon as I walked out, I saw bodyguard B blocking the door with a sad face, "Boss... They asked me to ask you, if you increase the burden, you will increase the burden. Why do you have to let the sister-in-law sit on you... Is there something evil?" Purpose……"

Yuan Yuan was gnawing chestnuts with something in her mouth, so she didn't speak for now, but the way she looked at bodyguard B... obviously felt that this question was extremely strange.

A certain uncle was not in a hurry to answer the question, but instead asked the bodyguard B, "Why are you asking?"

Suddenly, bodyguard B's tears were about to fall, "They said that if I didn't come to ask, they would take me away and put ten gold teeth on me!" (┬_┬)
(End of this chapter)

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