my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 529 Roses and Gifts

Chapter 529 Roses and Gifts (3)

Bodyguard B who inadvertently scared people: "Did you see, that little brother has been looking at me! I said that we are bodyguards, we have to wear a necklace that shows our identity!"

other people:"……"

What is more gratifying is that although the express package is large, it is very light, and there must be no one hidden in it.

So a group of people confidently dragged the big package to the elevator. When they went upstairs, they looked through the bouquet of roses with great interest, found the card, called the flower shop's contact number on the card, and asked expectantly, " Can you tear off the petals of your roses and make rose milk?"

Florist staff: "..."

Because the answer was no, the bodyguards returned to the original wishing their room, and they all seemed uninterested, "Sister-in-law, someone sent you off."

"So good?!" Yuanyuan ran over happily, "Can this rose be boiled with rose milk?"

The rose milk I drank yesterday was delicious~

Yuan Yuan immediately lost interest in this unexpected gift, and said depressedly, "That's boring, you guys play by yourself, I'm going back to play Er Er."

Bodyguards: "..." (┬_┬)
Sister-in-law, can you...don't say this so calmly... always play our boss...can you write a "feeling after playing" for us one day...(┬_┬)
When Yuan Yuan said he would go back, he really went back, and he had no interest in this gift that was obviously a confession.

The bodyguards were idle and bored, and began to bet on what was in the oversized package.

After taking it apart, it turned out to be an oversized teddy bear half the height of a person.

On the chest of the teddy bear, there is still a detachable heart-shaped pillow, and now there is a card on the pillow, which reads——

"Xiao Yuan, you will always be number one in my heart."

The bodyguards shivered silently.

Nasty... Contrived... Unnatural!Too fake!
They didn't even need to look at the signature, they were sure that the gift was from Fu Ran.

It is estimated that only Fu Ran is so concerned about gains and losses...

Today's sister-in-law was robbed of the headlines by Zhu Xin, if it wasn't for Fu Ran's gift at night, they would all have forgotten...

My sister-in-law didn't even pay attention to this matter from the beginning to the end...

Fu Ran really doesn't understand sister-in-law at all, and she is not suitable for sister-in-law at all~
The bodyguards put away the cute teddy bear and prepared to give it to Yuanyuan tomorrow. As for the heart-shaped pillow...I gave it to Xiaomi to play with.

Uncle Hengheng glanced at Xiaomi's new toy, calmly pulled Hengheng No. [-] under his head, and used it as a pillow...and fell asleep.

The bodyguards were also going to sleep, but 3 minutes later...someone knocked on the door again.

As soon as the door opened, Lei Yu was holding a big fruit basket outside.

The corners of the bodyguards' mouths twitched, "Are you also trying to comfort sister-in-law?"

"...Who?" Lei Yu was stunned for a moment, "Original wish? What happened to her? Why do you want to comfort her?"

The bodyguards breathed a sigh of relief, as expected, it was Lei Yuhao.

Since Lei Yu didn't bother with the headlines, the bodyguards didn't say any more, and asked him curiously, "Then why are you here?"

It's so late, still holding a big fruit basket?Wouldn't it be for them?Why are you being so polite to them?
Noticing their eyes, Lei Yu was about to burst into tears.

He was holding the fruit basket because... If he didn't do this, he would wish to tear his arms off!

(End of this chapter)

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