my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 530 Roses and Gifts

Chapter 530 Roses and Gifts (4)

Lei Yu had tears in his eyes, "I'm here... to learn some quick self-defense techniques from you."

"Didn't you practice muay thai?"

For ordinary people, Lei Yu's boxing skills are enough. He can definitely beat off gangsters and protect his girlfriend with ease.

"But what self-defense technique can... @#¥%?" QAQ
"...What are those next words?"

"Don't be hugged by other people's princesses." Er Jing, who has learned lip language, helped "translate" and looked at the sky silently.

The bodyguards were silent for a second, and they also looked up at the sky with Er Jing.

This time Lei Yu really wanted to cry.

The bodyguards began to think of ways to comfort him, "Haven't you been hugged a long time ago, it's the same once hugged several times... Calm down."

I can't calm down at all!
Because when he pissed off Brother Lan for the third time, and Brother Lan hugged his princess again...he suddenly thought of a very important question——

Where should his hands be placed when he is picked up?

This pose of a princess hug... According to common sense, the person being hugged should put his arms around the neck of the person who is hugging him, so that he can be more intimate and maintain his balance.

... This choice was undoubtedly quickly passed by Lei Yu.

The hands hang down naturally... Brother Lan is not tall, but he is tall and has long arms.

If it really droops naturally... In the future, when he is hugged by Princess Lan, he will wipe the floor with his hand...

But if he chooses neither of these two options...does he want to...hold his chest with both hands?!
This idea made Lei Yu completely collapsed... In order not to unscrew the two obstructing arms on the spot, he hugged the fruit basket and ran all the way in tears.

After hearing Lei Yu's tragedy, although the bodyguards really wanted to laugh unscrupulously... But seeing that he was really about to cry, they showed rare kindness and started to help him train the quick capture technique.

A large group of people practiced diligently.

And in the next room... Yuan Yuan was holding onto the right hand of her foster husband Tong, looking left and right.

"Two two, I think your hand is a little different from before."

A Tong Yangfu took back his right hand that had been operated on, and said calmly, "It's normal, because I'm handsome."

"Will being handsome make you look different?"

"No, if you are handsome, you will become more handsome," a certain uncle said very calmly, "My right hand has become handsome again."

"... Er Er, I think you are fooling me." Yuan Yuan was very entangled.

A certain Tong foster husband glanced at her, and said in a very natural tone, "Leave that alone and fuck off."

"Okay~" Yuanyuan readily agreed, "Otherwise, it will take a long time and it will affect my sleep~"

"Indeed~" A certain uncle nodded without blushing.

As usual, the two spoke the most outrageous things in an extremely natural tone.

After that, one ignored the "comforting" gift from Fu Ran, and the other didn't even read the large number of text messages and phone messages from Zhu Xin, and began to have sex with each other lively (←_←)...

Yuan Yuan didn't care about what happened outside at all, and lived a very leisurely life every day, eating, sleeping and playing Er Er.

So of course she wouldn't question her foster husband.

... In fact, even if she knew about the outside world, she couldn't possibly think that Guan Xingrui would do anything against her.

But... the headlines that lasted for several days, and the number one search engine rankings that Yuanyuan had occupied for several months, were suddenly snatched away by Zhu Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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