my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 552 Han Tian’s Identity

Chapter 552 Han Tian’s Identity (2)

...So Sui Yi is about to become Han Tian's brother-in-law!
Why is there a feeling that Sui Yi is about to have a tragedy...

This new discovery surprised the bodyguards all day, but they forgot the cause of the incident.

So that night... when I went online, I realized that the situation was even more serious.

Netizens are obviously too gifted at writing novels, imagining complicated love triangle stories one after another, and no matter which version of the speculation it is, they all think of the original wish as a hapless and miserable girl who was deceived by her heart and sex.

It's not intentionally aimed at the original wish, but every time there is a big event in the circle, the entertainment journalists will always ask a question about this big event when they meet a star.

So the question arises...

When the entertainment reporters asked about Fu Ran, Fu Ran, who had always followed the temperament route, suddenly became angry and almost punched the questioning reporter!
He also angrily yelled at the camera, saying that these entertainment journalists only care about chasing hot spots and asking for bonuses, and they don't care about other people's feelings at all. Do they know how much damage such a big report will do to the original wish...

At the same time, Lei Yu was also interviewed.

Lei Yu had been filming for a whole day, and was hungry and tired. After hearing the question, he didn't think much about it, and waved his hands with a speechless smile, "I don't think so at all. It's nothing serious."

As long as you have seen how the two get along, there is no misunderstanding.

Mr. Guan absolutely loves and dotes on Yuanyuan wholeheartedly, and it is impossible to treat her as someone's substitute.

He dared to guarantee that he would have never noticed this disturbance from the beginning to the end. Since someone had notified her, she would never take it to heart.

With Fu Ran's comparison in front... Lei Yu is going to be miserable.

Countless people say that he is indifferent, cold-blooded and has no sympathy, and even the saying that he doesn't care about feelings and disrespects women has appeared.

Fu Ran, who did not hesitate to offend Yu Ji, but also wanted to "speak up for justice", was praised like nothing in the world.

Of course, it was Fu Ran's fans who took the lead in praising others, but there were many people who said so, and ordinary people who watched the excitement thought so too.

Fu Ran's agent also seized this opportunity to help him hype.

Soon, there was a wave of voices on the Internet, saying that Yuanyuan's fiancé doesn't know how to cherish anyway, and Fu Ran defends Yuanyuan like this, and dares to speak for Yuanyuan when the storm is on the cusp, he is the one who really loves Yuanyuan and is suitable for Yuanyuan willing people!

She should have dumped her fiancé immediately and stayed with Fu Ran!
What a match for the two of them!

There are more and more people supporting this statement.

Fu Ran's manager is obviously a master of hype, it only took half a day, like brainwashing, so many people began to think that Fu Ran and Yuan Yuan are a perfect match, and Lei Yu is a scumbag.

So Lei Yu, who said something wrong, was punished by his manager.

The specific punishment method is... fine him to be hugged by Princess Lan for 10 minutes.

The bodyguards excitedly watched Lei Yu being punished... When he went back, he happened to see Yuan Yuan signing for the courier.

While unpacking the package, Yuan Yuan asked Guan Xingrui thoughtfully, "Two Er, shall we have a baby this year?"

The smiles of the bodyguards froze on their faces, and their hearts skipped a beat.

Why did sister-in-law suddenly ask this!
This time it was said on the Internet that the boss was not sincere to the sister-in-law, but he also used the fact that the two of them did not have a baby as an argument!

Could it be that my sister-in-law still cares a little about what is said on the Internet?
The bodyguards were all worried and nervous, but a certain uncle was as calm as ever.

(End of this chapter)

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