my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 553 Han Tian’s Identity

Chapter 553 Han Tian’s Identity (3)

He didn't even blink his eyes, "Not born."

A particularly simple negation without explaining why.

The original wish didn't seem to need a reason, so he nodded, "Oh."

Before the words fell, he finally opened the package completely and took out the contents.

It turned out to be a very delicate and beautiful notebook.

Most people now use their mobile phones to take notes, but Yuanyuan still has the habit of bringing a notepad, and writes and draws on the notepad almost every day.

Just like now, when she got the answer, she also lowered her head, picked up a pen and started to record.

The corners of the bodyguards' mouths twitched, "...Sister-in-law, why did you remember to ask this today?"

Is it...they are thinking too complicated?
But looking at the situation of the sister-in-law, if the boss just answered "I want to have a baby", will the sister-in-law still regard pregnancy as an annual task and write it down in the notebook?
Yuan Yuan waved his hand and said calmly, "I filled up the old notepad, why not replace it with a new one today~ On the title page of the notepad before, I wrote 'eat, sleep, and play two or two'. If you want to have a baby this year, Then I'll eat, drink, have fun and sleep around."

Bodyguards: "..."

sleep two two... sleep two two...

...why do we ask this question (┬_┬)
The bodyguards burst into tears and went to Qi Xiuyuan in grief and indignation.

Brother Qi, do you want to fix your head?I think... there may be a leak in your head... (┬_┬) leaked into our heads!

In the end, he rushed out of Qi Xiuyuan's room with tears in his eyes, and slammed into the door with a "bang"...

...Why is there a woman in the room!
Is that Brother Qi's little assistant?
Looking at the slender figure by the window, the bodyguards were in a mess, and hurriedly exited Qi Xiuyuan's room, and closed the door tightly again.

...After more than ten seconds, Qi Xiuyuan opened the door, never mentioning why there was a strange man of the opposite sex in the room, "Fu Ran used his original wish to hype again, what does Uncle Tong mean?"

Knowing Uncle Tong Yangfu's decision, he can respond to this disturbance.

"The boss said that the movie will be finished soon, and the sister-in-law wants to take him out to play, and doesn't want to participate in the scattered film promotion in the early let Fu Ran go on for two more days, so as to create a topic for the movie. I put in a lot of effort."

The corner of Qi Xiuyuan's mouth twitched, "Okay."

The abacus of a certain uncle is almost at the level of a professional broker.

Uncle, he really put too much thought into his original wish. Those speculations on the Internet are too boring.

But Fu Ran himself didn't think so.

It is said that Fu Ran's agent took the opportunity to hype up, but in fact, these are also Fu Ran's own ideas.

Seeing that no one came to threaten him anymore, Fu Ran became more courageous, and directly approached Yuan Yuan in the crew.

"Xiao Yuan, break up with Guan Xingrui." He proposed straight to the point.

Yuan Yuan seemed to be in a good mood, and when talking to him, she also smiled slightly, "Get married now? But Er Er hasn't mentioned it yet."

"...I mean break up."

Yuan Yuan gave him a strange look, not understanding why he repeated the words, "Yes, end the relationship and turn it into a marriage relationship."

"...Break up doesn't mean means that you are completely separated."

Even if she said it so clearly, Fu Ran was still worried that she would interpret this sentence in a new direction that tested people's nerves according to her original wish.

So after a moment of silence, Fu Ran suddenly added, "Actually, I've been hiding something from you. After you know... I will definitely break up with Guan Xingrui."

[One more update, make it up tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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