my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 586 Super black-bellied strategy

Chapter 586 Super black-bellied strategy (1)

Something really happened in Xia Tian, ​​and it was related to the original wish.

The original wish is the object that Xia Tian is promoting now, but she is not the only actress in the company.

In terms of attention, the one who came after the original wish was a pretty little beauty who followed the route of the girl next door.

She herself is indeed very well-behaved and obedient, with a very introverted personality, and even a little timid.

In the beginning, she came out to become an actress because she had to help her family pay off her debts. Otherwise, her personality would not be very suitable for the entertainment industry.

But this time... She was tricked and got into big trouble.

When I stayed up all night filming, the little beauty was in low spirits, and drinking coffee was useless.

Someone from the same production team suggested that she smoke a mint cigarette, saying that it was just called the name, not cigarettes, it only tasted like mint, and it tasted like chewing gum. The refreshing effect was quite good, and many people in the circle used it.

The little beauty made a lot of money, but it was all used to pay off the family's debts, and her daily life was the same as when she was not in the industry.

She thought it was something advanced, but she didn't know it, and she was scolded by the director because she was too sleepy and made frequent mistakes, so she smoked a so-called menthol cigarette.

So... She was photographed taking drugs.

And the person who framed her was someone from Xia Tian's rival company.

The man ran away long ago, saying that he asked for leave for the Chinese New Year and returned to his hometown early, but after checking the address of his hometown, their family moved out long ago.

No one can be found, no evidence, no evidence, no one will believe that she was cheated.

Besides, in fact, everyone doesn't care about that. With the route that the little beauty took, with drugs, she will never have a chance to turn over.

And the relationship between this matter and the original wish is...

The rival company is a real villain, and they didn't hide their purpose at all. They directly took the photos and came to Xia Tian's big boss, Qi Siqian, and asked them to bring the people who were willing to give up the competition for the best newcomer this year and leave the opportunity to their company.

If Qi Siqian disagreed, they would make the photo public.

At that time, it will not only be the little beauty who will be destroyed, but the entire summer artists will be dragged down.

Some people will say that with the conditions of the little beauty, she has little chance to touch drugs, and most of them are dragged into the water because someone around her is smoking.

This consequence is too serious, and the blow to Xia Tian is no small matter.

As one of the company's top executives, Qi Xiuyuan was urgently called back to the company for a meeting to discuss how to deal with it.

In fact, if it is placed in another company, one side is the original wish, and the other is the image of the entire company, then don't even think about it, it must be sacrificing the original wish to save the company's image.

But Qi Xiuyuan and Qi Siqian brothers have always been kind, they knew it was best to do this, but they also felt that it was too unfair to the original wish.

After all, this award for the best newcomer was originally wished to be obtained by their own ability, and if they missed this time, they would never have the opportunity to compete for the newcomer award in the future, and they would not even be able to make compensation.

A group of people discussed boredly and anxiously, is there any other solution.

In the conference room, an indifferent male voice suddenly sounded, "Promise them."

Qi Xiuyuan's reaction was extremely quick, he pressed down on the high-level executive who was about to scold "Put P", the corner of his mouth twitched and looked at the end of the long conference table, "Uncle Tong..."

Why are you here!

When he yelled, the other high-level executives were also startled, and they all turned into bobblehead dolls, their eyes flicked back and forth between the windows, the meeting room door, and Mr. Tong Yangfu...

(End of this chapter)

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