my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 587 Super black-bellied strategy

Chapter 587 Super black-bellied strategy (2)

" did you come in! The doors and windows are all locked!"

If he had ever unlocked the doors and windows, it would have made a little noise!

And from what he meant, why did he seem to have appeared for a while...he was still standing by the table blatantly...why didn't they find him...

A group of people went crazy.

A certain Tong foster husband was still as calm as ever, and he glanced at them calmly, "He's handsome."

"..." (┬_┬) Can I fall out...

Qi Xiuyuan had seen his abilities a long time ago, so he was still mentally prepared, so he was the first to regain his composure, and asked uncertainly, "You just said... promise them? Then the original wish will completely miss the best newcomer!"

A certain uncle didn't want to talk too much, he just nodded his head affirmatively, then turned and left.

Guan Xingrui's words represent the meaning of the original wish. The parties involved agreed to sacrifice, and the senior executives of Xia Tian don't seem to have to worry about it anymore.

Only Qi Xiuyuan still felt sorry for his original wish and never gave up.

But... it seems that there is really no other way.

During the days of waiting for the closing award ceremony, another big event happened in the entertainment industry.

Or it can also be said that something big happened to the gangs in the United States.

Before, many people were dissatisfied and said that the production company of Tomb of the Tomb 4 seemed to be in love with Lu Xinwei, and they were playing with her in honor and disgrace. Lu Xinwei was investigated by Interpol, and they still did not agree to replace her. heroine.

A company can't love people, but the top of the company can...

At least, that's what one high-ranking wife thinks.

In Hollywood, the high-level wife is quite famous.

And the reason why she is famous is... because of her jealousy.

Very very jealous.

For all the movies her husband's company casts, she suspects that the heroine has an affair with her husband. Only by relying on unspoken rules can she get the chance to play the heroine...

Fortunately, the actors who can be the heroines of Hollywood blockbusters all have some background. At least, they have a lot of connections and friends. The wife was suspicious and scolded at most, but did not dare to hurt others.

But this time it's different, in the eyes of that wife, Lu Xinwei, a little person from a foreign country whose name she can't even remember, can abuse a hundred of them at once.

That wife didn't look down on Lu Xinwei at all. At first, she felt that it was not worth taking such a long flight to China for her.

So I just wanted to wait for the start of Surprise From the Ancient Tomb 4, when Lu Xinwei came to the United States, and then give her a good lesson.

Unexpectedly, after a few days of procrastination, things changed.

The actor named Yuan Yuan has such a high voice, the company doesn't even want to replace him!

A few days later...

That woman named Lu Xinwei got into a lawsuit, and the company didn't even change her staff!
She would never believe that the woman named Lu Xinwei was fine!

That lady was already suspicious, but now she completely hated Lu Xinwei. She gritted her teeth with hatred and scolded this shameless vixen every day.

So... She went to issue a reward order with the gangsters in the United States. Whoever can ruin Lu Xinwei's face will win a reward of 50 US dollars.

It's not over yet...

Before this, it was mentioned in the news that the production company of Scary Tomb 4, and the wife of one of the company's top executives, came to China specially to slap Lu Xinwei across the face.

(End of this chapter)

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