my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 596 How to 2% Biochemical Weapons

Chapter 596 How to turn two into a biochemical weapon (2)

Looking out of the window, it turned out that while they were talking, the car had already left the award ceremony venue at high speed and arrived at their final destination - an abandoned unfinished building!
Because the developer ran away with the money, this 20-story commercial office building has not been put into normal use. There is no water, electricity, and naturally no elevator.

It looks gray on the outside, but it's empty and dark inside, and there are echoes when you walk, it's like a place where ghost movies are filmed.

Since getting into the car, the man with the scarred face has been silent.

Yuan Yuan would not observe him at all, but if you pay attention a little, you can see that although he seems to be concentrating on driving, his eyes are already a little frantic, and his hands are shaking slightly with excitement, obviously he can't wait.

Now that he got out of the car, he pointed his gun at Yuan Yuan and ordered Yuan Yuan to follow him and go upstairs through the safe passage.

As a result, the hostage, who was originally wished to be extremely cooperative, became uncooperative for the first time.

"I won't go," Yuan Yuan said in a particularly firm tone, "The heels of these shoes are ten centimeters faster. If I climb to the top floor, I will definitely never try to walk again today, but I still have to go to eat supper with Er Er at night." what~"

After thinking about it, as a cooperating hostage, Yuanyuan proposed a solution through negotiation, "If you buy me a pair of flat shoes, I'll go up~ Oh yes, and a long down coat."

"Hahaha..." Scarface and Lu Xinwei sneered sinisterly in unison.

"Are you still negotiating terms with me?" Scarface's vicious voice was like a poisonous snake uttering a letter, which made people's hair stand on end. "Seeing what happened to that woman just now, don't you understand something?"

"Understood," Yuan Yuan nodded happily, and said with some regret, "It turns out that she also has a head problem."

" tell me again!"

Scarface couldn't bear the fact that he wished to look at a very woman, but after seeing such a bloody scene, he didn't feel scared at all!
After planning for many years, what he finally had the chance to implement was blocked step by step... Scarface's emotions gradually became uncontrollable.

Yuan Yuan was stunned by the yelling, and soon began to comfort him kindly, "Don't worry, it's okay if you don't understand. There are many people who react slower than you, such as Lan Xiaoxiao with a brain hole, and a thief with a sick brain." The mobile phone, and the head... huh?"

It's all about the brain.

The original wish was not chaotic as an example... I started to analyze Scarface in a tangled up manner, wanting to explain it to him.

"Look, you are afraid of Er Er, so you came with a gun, but she didn't take anything. I thought she was so powerful that she was not afraid of Er Er, but you subdued her in no time... She is not as good as you .”

"Then she came to kidnap me empty-handed, it must be because of her brain disease."

Scarface didn't listen to her analysis carefully at all. He had been stabbed with sharp knives by the sharp knives that Yuanyuan unconsciously used, and he was about to go crazy...

Lu Xinwei is a bystander, especially since she was so angry with Yuan Yuan several times, she already has experience...

Now she was afraid that Scarface would never finish talking about her original wish, so she anxiously urged, "Ah Hai, stop talking to her, if she doesn't leave, just drag her up!"

Halfway through the speech, Lu Xinwei's eyes became vicious again, "Anyway, even if there are too many bumps along the way, as long as she still has a breath, she can still know that she is being wheeled!"

It turned out to be the same idea as Lan Xiaoxiao.

(End of this chapter)

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