my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 597 How to 2% Biochemical Weapons

Chapter 597 How to turn two into a biochemical weapon (3)

And just like Lan Xiaoxiao in the past, Lu Xinwei seemed impatient to see Yuanyuan's tragedy, and urged Scarface, "Hurry up, don't dawdle!"

In the tone, it seemed to be ordering a thug who obeyed her orders.

Scarface ignored her, his cold and bloodthirsty eyes like a poisonous snake were fixed on Yuanyuan's face, as if he wanted to find a way to deal with her.

Lu Xinwei ordered even more domineeringly, "Ah Hai! Did you hear me! Immediately, immediately, bring your original wish up!"

"No, no, no," she suddenly changed her mind again, her eyes became more excited, "Didn't I tell you to find twenty beggars and homeless people? You let them all come down! They must be angry if they have to run twenty flights of stairs for no reason Dissatisfied, when the time comes, turn this anger on Yuan Yuan, and treat her even more cruelly!"

Such a vicious idea, but was elated by Lu Xinwei's words.

She also reached out to push Scarface, "Quick, go now!"

Listening to her chattering and making noise, Scarface was already irritable, but now she pushed him like hell!

Scarface's eyes turned hard, and he slapped Lu Xinwei hard, knocking Lu Xinwei to the ground, "Shut up the fuck!"

In order to have a chance to get in touch with the original wish, he pretended to be a thug and followed this idiot woman, and she dared to use him as her subordinate!

Lu Xinwei didn't respond to him, but... an unbelievable scream broke out.

"My face, my face!"

There were only half used building materials everywhere in the building, and the twitch of Scarface just slapped Lu Xinwei's face to the pile of cement on the ground.

The cement that has been adjusted with just thrown here because the workers left in a hurry and haven't finished using it.

After such a long time, the cement has long been firmly set, and when Lu Xinwei bumped into it, she just hit a protrusion on the pile of cement... It was like being pierced deeply into the flesh by a stone awl...

Scarface hit too hard, and the fall was too hard...

Judging from the depth of the wound, Lu Xinwei is no longer just disfigured, her facial nerves must have been severely damaged too... If it was really completely severed... I think it will be very difficult to make expressions in the future...

Maybe I'll keep drooling uncontrollably...

But Lu Xinwei doesn't have to worry about these things.

Because she is still facing the pursuit of American gangsters, she should first think about how to save her life~→_→

He stepped on Lu Xinwei's head and forcibly closed her mouth that was still screaming. The scarred face was no longer determined to bring the original wish upstairs, and asked gloomily, "I know that six years have passed, why is Guan Xingrui Haven't you found me? Hehe, the famous Mr. E? He's just a defeated underling who was played around by me!"

"Let me tell you! I was able to escape his overwhelming searches because... Hehe, Guan Xingrui has calculated thousands of things, but he has missed one thing! He has never seen my real face!"

The bodyguards who followed secretly couldn't help being surprised and suddenly realized.

No wonder……

Scarface wanted to frighten Yuanyuan, so he suddenly moved his face closer, grinning grinningly, and said in a tone like a man-eating monster, "Look!"

After that, he pulled down fiercely, uncovering a disguise mask that was as thin as a cicada's wing, but completely impenetrable, revealing his original face.

(End of this chapter)

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