my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 601 The Highest Realm of 2

Chapter 601 The Highest Realm of Two (2)

After finishing speaking, he frowned in self-disgust, "How silly."

After living for so many years, until today, Scarface finally understands what it means to be so angry that you can't take care of yourself...

"I'm talking about the code name, not the Chinese pinyin! He is Mr. E with the code name ER! You have been in the United States for so many years, have you never heard of this name?!"

"Oh..." Yuanyuan thought for a while, then nodded, "I have an impression."

Originally wished that this waist-thick nerve, unless it was related to her child adoptive husband, otherwise she didn't care about nosy things at all, and she had an impression of Mr. E's name, which was enough to show the reputation of a certain uncle.

But Yuanyuan didn't respond to this truth....

Anyway, no matter who it is, Er Er is Er Er, and it is still her Er Er, and will always be~
Yuan Yuan thought about it, and then he smiled happily and narrowed his eyes.

Scarface couldn't see her happy, so he became even more angry, and shouted to remind her, "...that's not a small business!"

Yuan Yuan thought for a while, and asked suspiciously, "Sell out the country?"

"...Not for sale."

"That's not a big deal."

Scarface: "..."_
"...He said that the job is to make money to buy you chestnuts!"

"Can't you afford it?" Yuan Yuan finally took it seriously, and said in surprise, "The gangsters are so difficult to get along with, no wonder some gangsters want to rob money in the street."

"..." Where did Guan Xingrui find this wonderful thing!

This time, Scarface gave up completely, and no longer wanted to use any conspiracy to intimidate Yuanyuan, so he asked his thug-like subordinate with a gloomy face, "Guan Xingrui and the others are still outside?"

The subordinate also just returned to the room and nodded in affirmation.

Dao Scar smiled sinisterly, kicked open the door, and walked out with a gun as he wished!
Then stop procrastinating and meet this "old acquaintance" now!

This time, he's going to play slowly.

In front of Guan Xingrui, he would tear off all Yuan Yuan's hair one by one, and then take the sharpest knife to peel Yuan Yuan's skin bit by bit...

He wants to torture Guan Xingrui's most important person severely, he wants to watch Guan Xingrui suffer and see him collapse!
The more Scarface thought about it, the more excited he became, because his perverted and brutal thoughts and the muscles on his face were twitching disgustingly, making his face even uglier.

In front of him was a row of powerful black Land Rovers, which were the cars of the bodyguards.

Which car is Guan Xingrui sitting in?
Didn't get out of the car for such a long time, is it because he realized that he had miscalculated, that he didn't keep the person he was protecting so carefully, and was beating his chest in despair?
Scarface was thinking a lot, when suddenly someone tapped his shoulder behind him!

Because the opponent was Guan Xingrui, the scarred face didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. Although he was terrified enough, he still didn't forget the life-saving talisman of the original wish.

"Ah—" he let out a heart-piercing scream...

ghost!Kill the devil!

Still lost half of the human skin, a monster-like ghost!

Faced with such a "monster", Yuanyuan's reaction was... He looked at Scarface with a strange face, not understanding why he would have such a big reaction.

Considering that he made too much noise and would disturb his precious fiancée, a certain uncle calmly stretched out his hand and tore off the half-sticky and half-off disguise mask completely off his face.

That's right, the one who slapped the scarred face just now was a certain Tong foster husband.


[End of text tomorrow!The reason why Erer’s right hand was injured, I will put it in the side story, and I will write it after the Chinese New Year, ha, I will write a relaxed plot during the Chinese New Year~ But Erer was never abused when I was young, everyone, don’t worry]

(End of this chapter)

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