my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 602 This Is Absolute Trust

Chapter 602 This Is Absolute Trust (1)

The disguise mask on the uncle's face is very familiar, very familiar.

It was the thug-like man who had been following Scarface all this time, had hardly spoken, and had a particularly low sense of presence...

Scarface is so suspicious, so cautious, and has been living a life of fleeing, so the one who can keep him by his side must be his confidant.

But someone he trusted so much was pretended by a certain uncle without any pressure... No matter in appearance, accent, or subtle movements, he didn't show any flaws.Even the close contact just now was not discovered...

A certain uncle is too powerful.

During the six years of fleeing, Scar's face was full of revenge, and how to torture Guan Xingrui in the cruelest way, which had become an instinct deeply rooted in his mind.

So even though he did a lot of evil, killed too many people, and was guilty of being particularly afraid of ghosts taking his life, he was so frightened that he lost his soul, but he didn't let go of the hand that held the original wish.

The gun in his hand was still pressed against Yuanyuan's temple.

The original wish doesn't matter at all... She was very calm and cooperative, Scarface bent down, and she bent down, the direction was reversed, and she didn't bother to turn around, and if she said turning around, it would easily arouse Scarface's suspicion, thinking that she was going to run away .

So the original wish to lower down without any pressure...

I just learned dance for many years, and my basic skills have never been neglected~
So Scarface managed to survive the period of fear, and when his mental state basically returned to normal, he saw... beside him, there was a man bent down with great difficulty, and he seemed to be staring at two ants on the ground because he was too bored. The beauties watching the fight...

This time he is going to be abnormal again...

The bodyguards in the car were all holding their guns, and felt that they should be more serious on this occasion.

But they still want to look up to the sky...

Sister-in-law's ability to turn any situation into a convulsion drama, what is going on...

Scarface's nerves were tormented by this strange couple one after another, but what hit him the hardest was that he also discovered that Guan Xingrui was lurking beside him in disguise.

It's impossible for him to lose to Guan Xingrui again, impossible!

There was deep hatred in Scarface's eyes, "Ah Hai! When did you hit him!"

After he finished asking, he realized that he hadn't reacted at all to Guan Xingrui's appearance, no surprises or surprises.

"... You have already discovered that the surname is Guan?"

"Yeah, Er Er has been there since you appeared~" Yuan Yuan answered very calmly...

But this answer was a devastating blow to Scarface, "What did you say?!"

Shocked by his yelling, Yuan Yuan turned her head and asked herself Tong Yangfu worriedly, "Er Er, he said he has grudges against you, is it because you broke his head?"

A certain Tong foster husband calmly shook his head, "No, he was born with it."

Fortunately, Scarface was hit too hard before, so he didn't hear this conversation, otherwise he might have died of anger directly...

"Impossible, impossible! You can find out that it is him, how could I not find out!"

Losing to Guan Xingrui, he was still losing to someone like the godfather of the underworld, but losing to Yuan Yuan... How could he be inferior to an ordinary person!
Yuan Yuan was stunned, "Because I like Er Er~" looked at him blankly for a while, then asked uncertainly, "But you you also like Er Er? Like that, that..."

(End of this chapter)

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