my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 609 This Is Absolute Trust

Chapter 609 This Is Absolute Trust (8)

Just destroy it...

The video is about the reason why the eldest brother's right hand was almost completely abolished when he was 12 years old.

But in fact... the boss was not forced by anyone, the knife was stabbed by the boss himself.

Because he didn't want the sister-in-law to see too much of the dark side, the boss didn't tell the sister-in-law many things.

But I'm not afraid that my sister-in-law will know about those things.

This is the only one, this is the only one, this must be a secret that the boss has kept for a lifetime, even if his right hand has healed now, after the rehabilitation period, he will be as flexible as when he was not injured, but The boss will never tell this secret.

Well, let's not talk about this, the most important thing now is... this lunatic was finally caught!
The boss no longer has to worry about being too high-profile to attract his attention, let him appear without anyone noticing, and kill the sister-in-law to avenge the past. He can accompany the sister-in-law to attend all public occasions and tell the world that the two of them are together !
So it time for a wedding?
Excited at the thought of the wedding, the bodyguards made a quick decision, and after finishing the arrangement, they hurried back to the car, wanting to hear what those two weirdos were talking about.

So many things happened just now, and Scarface mysteriously seemed to know many important things, and Guan Xingrui seemed to really avoid this, and didn't want her to know about something...

But Yuanyuan didn't seem to be curious at all, and didn't ask half a sentence.

There's no need to ask at all, Er Er must have his own reasons, Er Er will listen to what Er Er wants to say, and she won't listen if she doesn't want to.

She was just still very concerned about her husband's eye problems, "Er Er, your eyes..." seemed a little red.

A certain Mensao interrupted her calmly, "You are too close, so you can't see clearly."

"Will it?" Yuan Yuan stepped back experimentally.


The original wish was withdrawn again.

However, there is only such a big space in the car, and I can't retreat too far if I wish to retreat.

So a certain uncle said, "Lie down."

Oh yes, lie down and watch, it can indeed go a little further!
So Yuanyuan lay down on the back seat very cooperatively, and then...then a certain uncle leaned over and kissed him...

This kiss was a bit ferocious. The intertwining of lips and tongues ignited an astonishing heat. This kiss, which was originally intended for celebration and joy, gradually...

"I'm not going to eat barbecue today, I'm going back to roll the sheets to celebrate." Guan Xingrui suddenly let go of his original wish and sat up straight.

Because in this matter, "quick fight" is not his style →_→, if the kiss continues, when the police_ come, he will...

Rolling sheets is of course more important than barbecue, because Er Er is the best~←_←

Yuan Yuan agreed unconditionally, but was puzzled, "What are you celebrating?"

Guan Xingrui glanced at him, obviously he was always concise and to the point, but today, he answered solemnly and completely, "Congratulations that we are getting married."

Celebrate how time has changed and we're still the same. Celebrate that you've always had me and I've always had you.

Celebrate as you said, when you were five years old, I came to your house, and then you fell in love with me, and I fell in love with you, and we have been together forever. Celebrate that we have a story that belongs only to us, such a good story . 【End of text】

[Sahua, the text is over!Ha, I finally kept my promise. When I was writing, I was always afraid that I would not be able to finish writing tonight, and the girl who is still keeping up with the updates, what a!Go to bed, it’s too late~ I’ll write about the video after the new year, Han Tian’s story will be written in a special episode, Brother Qi’s is to be determined, the first one will be two people who have no morals for half an hour but are very clear. 】

(End of this chapter)

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