my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 610 Remember when I was young

Chapter 610 Remember when I was young (1)

Yuanyuan loved listening to stories when she was a child. From fairy tales and fables to myths and legends, she listened with gusto.

But after having a child husband, Yuan Yuan once heard the story of Adam and Eve again, and suddenly felt that this familiar story became scary.

The seven-year-old Xiao Yuanyuan was very worried, so she went to find her foster husband and asked worriedly, "Er Er, why was Eve created from Adam's rib? If so, then I was made out of Er Er's rib." Is it right? But I don't want Er Er to have a rib removed, it hurts."

Nine-year-old Xiao Guan Xingrui has delicate eyebrows and seductive eyes, and his manner is elegant and decent. He already has the demeanor of a little gentleman.

But after all, he is too young. Although he is much more angular than children of the same age, he still basically... has a bun face.

...It's just a small bun with a relatively small filling.

The little Guan Xingrui with a bun face was very calm, and brought a plate of chestnuts that had just been peeled to Yuan Yuan, and asked her to eat quickly, "You are not made of my ribs."

He can't make such a cute heart~~~
But as a little Mansao with a bun face, he wouldn't say it so honestly, instead he said, "Because the two of us are not alike."

Xiao Yuan wished to be depressed, "It's not like... But I want to be as good and so likable as Er Er."

"It's not like this," Xiao Guan Xingrui looked at his young fiancée who was in the period of changing teeth, and said inscrutably, "I mean, I don't leak the wind when I speak."

Xiao Yuanyuan: "..."

Both of them cherish the memories related to each other very much, so although they didn't mention this little episode before the age of ten, they didn't forget it either.

Until... Yuan Yuan was 13 years old and Guan Xingrui was 15 years old.

It was the weekend, and neither of them had to go to school. After sleeping until they woke up naturally, Yuan Yuan got up in a daze and went to find her foster husband.

... Then she accidentally broke into the bathroom where her husband Tong was taking a shower, and saw Guan Xingrui naked.

After this, the original wish became particularly stressful.

She kept frowning deeply, and when Guan Xingrui came out of the bathroom, she immediately asked worriedly, "Two Er, if something has always been the same and suddenly changed, isn't it wrong?"

A certain Tong Yangfu didn't realize that it was a trap, so he nodded calmly, "Probably so."

As a virtuous boy who was still waiting for his fiancée to grow up, Guan Xingrui came out of the bathroom at this time, still dressed very tightly, so he would have no problem going out for shopping.

But after hearing his answer, Yuanyuan's gaze...suddenly fixed on his lower body.

And she didn't watch it out of curiosity or anything like that, she was clearly preoccupied.

"Two two, Anson said, you like me so much, and I like you so much, we must be a match made in heaven, if you say I wasn't made of your ribs, then I'll look for it, there must be something missing from you thing."

An Sen is Yuan Yuan's classmate, and also the first student from Yuan Yuan to show kindness to Yuan Yuan after Yuan Yuan transferred to this school. He is very cheerful and enthusiastic. a bit of a two.

However, a certain Tong Yangfu was too concerned with the words "I like you so much" and "A natural couple", and didn't think about how deep a hole would be created by the collision of two bastards...

(End of this chapter)

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